

2017-04-22  本文已影响16人  Eugenia_a970

Day11 Topic4  The living was easy-----vocabulary 词汇扫盲

1、fossil 化石

A fossil is the hard remains of a prehistoric animal or plant that are found inside a rock.


considered to exist or have existed; inferred

putativa fossil    现存化石

3、interstellar   星际的


Interstellar means between the stars.

4、stromatolite   叠层石


a rocky mass consisting of layers of calcareous material and sediment formed by the prolific growth of cyanobacteria: such structures date back to Precambrian times


A mound of something is a large rounded pile of it.


光能合成    光合作用


The debut of a performer or sports player is their first public performance, appearance, or recording.



If you describe something as intriguing, you mean that it is interesting or strange.

This intriguing book is both thoughtful and informative.

Synonyms: interesting, fascinating, absorbing, exciting


1) countable noun

A swathe of land is a long strip of land.

On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory.

Year by year great swathes of this small nation's countryside disappear.

2)countable noun

A swathe of cloth is a long strip of cloth, especially one that is wrapped around someone or something.

...swathes of white silk.


To swathe someone or something in cloth means to wrap them in it completely.

She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.

His head was swathed in bandages made from a torn sheet.

Synonyms: wrap, drape, envelop, bind

10、basalt n. [岩] 玄武岩;黑陶器

Basalt is a type of black rock that is produced by volcanoes.

11、lava   岩浆

Lava is the very hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano.

12、outcrops   露出地面的岩层

countable noun

An outcrop is a large area of rock sticking out of the ground.

13、jasper  贾斯珀;碧玉(又称铁石英)

a type of chert quartz that is usually reddish due to the presence of hematite

14、quartz  石英

Quartz is a mineral in the form of a hard, shiny crystal. It is used in making electronic equipment and very accurate watches and clocks.


Compressed air or gas is squeezed into a small space or container and is therefore at a higher pressure than normal. It is used especially as a source of power for machines.

16、veins  叶脉;[地质] 岩脉;【地质学】矿脉;(地层中的)水脉

A vein of a particular metal or mineral is a layer of it lying in rock.

...a vein of copper.

...a rich and deep vein of limestone.

17、nodules  【地质学、矿物学】结核

A nodule is a small round lump which is found on the roots of certain plants.

...bacteria that live in root nodules on certain plants.

18、microns  微米


countable noun

A rosette is a decoration or design that looks rather like a rose.

...intricately carved wood rosettes.

Garnish the plate with whipped cream rosettes and fresh fruits.


1) verb

When something such as a dead body, a dead plant, or a tooth decays, it is gradually destroyed by a natural process.

e.gThe bodies buried in the fine ash slowly decayed.

The ground was scattered with decaying leaves.

Synonyms: rot, break down, disintegrate, spoil   More Synonyms of decay

Decay is also a noun.

When not removed, plaque causes tooth decay and gum disease.

decayed  adjective

...decayed teeth.

Synonyms: rotten, bad, decaying, wasted


If something such as a society, system, or institution decays, it gradually becomes weaker or its condition gets worse.

e.gPopular cinema seems to have decayed.

Congress has tried dozens of approaches to revitalize decaying urban and rural areas.

Decay is also a noun.

There are problems of urban decay and gang violence.


1) verb

If the remains of an animal or plant fossilize or are fossilized, they become hard and form fossils, instead of decaying completely.

e.gThe most important parts, the flowers, rarely fossilise.

The survival of the proteins depends on the way in which bones are fossilised.

...fossilized dinosaur bones.

延伸     2)verb

If you say that ideas, attitudes, or ways of behaving have fossilized or have been fossilized, you are criticizing the fact that they are fixed and unlikely to change, in spite of changing situations or circumstances.


What they seem to want to do in fact is fossilize the particular environment in which people live and work.

Needs change while policies fossilize.

fossilized  adjective

...these fossilized organisations.

Synonyms: obsolete, antiquated, anachronistic, inflexible

Synonyms: petrified, dead, extinct, prehistoric


1)variable noun

Intrigue is the making of secret plans to harm or deceive people.

...political intrigue.

...a powerful story of intrigue, passion and betrayal.

...the plots and intrigues in the novel.

Synonyms: plot, scheme, conspiracy, manoeuvre   More Synonyms of intrigue

2) verb

If something, especially something strange, intrigues you, it interests you and you want to know more about it.

The novelty of the situation intrigued him.

Synonyms: interest, fascinate, arouse the curiosity of, attract

23、diameter  n. 直径

The diameter of a round object is the length of a straight line that can be drawn across it, passing through the middle of it.

...a tube less than a fifth of the diameter of a human hair.

...a length of 22-mm diameter steel pipe.

...a tiny capsule, between 1 and 3 millimetres in diameter.

Synonyms: breadth, span, width, spread

24、haematite      n. [矿物] 赤铁矿

a red, grey, or black mineral, found as massive beds and in veins and igneous rocks. It is the chief source of iron. Composition: iron (ferric) oxide. Formula: Fe2O3. Crystal structure: hexagonal (rhombohedral)

. Also called : iron glance


1)uncountable noun

Iron is an element which usually takes the form of a hard, dark-grey metal. It is used to make steel, and also forms part of many tools, buildings, and vehicles. Very small amounts of iron occur in your blood and in food.

The huge, iron gate was locked.

...the highest-grade iron ore deposits in the world.

Some would call these odd pieces of iron and wood 'antiques'.

He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.

2) countable noun

An iron is an electrical device with a flat metal base. You heat it until the base is hot, then rub it over clothes to remove creases.

3) verb

If you iron clothes, you remove the creases from them using an iron.

She used to iron his shirts.

...a freshly ironed shirt.

ironing  uncountable noun

I managed to get all the ironing done this morning.

4) adjective

You can use iron to describe the character or behaviour of someone who is very firm in their decisions and actions, or who can control their feelings well.

...a man of icy nerve and iron will.

She delighted in the nickname, the 'iron lady'.

Synonyms: inflexible, hard, strong, tough

5) adjective

Iron is used in expressions such as an iron hand and iron discipline to describe strong, harsh, or unfair methods of control which do not allow people much freedom.

He died in 1985 after ruling Albania with an iron fist for 40 years.

...a people living permanently in the iron grip of poverty.


variable noun

An oxide is a compound of oxygen and another chemical element.

Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.


A filament is a very thin piece or thread of something, for example the piece of wire inside a light bulb.

Synonyms: strand, string, wire, fibre



If something is anchored in something or to something, it has strong links with it.

A united Germany must be firmly anchored in NATO if Europe is to remain stable.

His basic outlook remains anchored in the liberal tradition.


countable noun

A lump of something is a solid piece of it.

The potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.

...a lump of wood.

They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.

Synonyms: piece, group, ball, spot

30、corkscrew   开塞钻,螺丝堆

A corkscrew is a device for pulling corks out of bottles.

31、hydrothermal   热液的


of or relating to the action of water under conditions of high temperature, esp in forming rocks and minerals

hydrothermal solution 热液溶解作用;热水溶液

hydrothermal alteration 热液蚀变;水热蚀变

hydrothermal deposit 热液矿床

hydrothermal process 热液酌;热液作用

hydrothermal vent 深海热泉;深海热液喷口

32、tectonic  adj. [地质] 构造的;建筑的;地壳构造上的


Tectonic means relating to the structure of the Earth's surface or crust.


...the tectonic plates of the Pacific region.

33、mineral-laden  富含矿物质的


If someone or something is laden with a lot of heavy things, they are holding or carrying them.


I came home laden with cardboard boxes.

The following summer the peach tree was laden with fruit.

...heavily-laden mules.

Synonyms: loaded, burdened, hampered, weighted


If you describe a person or thing as laden with something, particularly something bad, you mean that they have a lot of it.

We're so laden with guilt.

Many of their heavy industries are laden with debt.


a past participle of lade1

34、spurt up

When liquid or fire spurts from somewhere, or when something spurts liquid or fire, it comes out quickly in a thin, powerful stream.

35、remnant  残余部分

countable noun

The remnants of something are small parts of it that are left over when the main part has disappeared or been destroyed.

After twenty-four hours of fighting, the remnants of the force were fleeing.

Beneath the present church were remnants of Roman flooring.

Obedience by women towards men is a remnant of religious teaching.

Synonyms: remainder, remains, trace, fragment



V to supply with battlements 在(墙)上筑雉堞或开枪眼


1. adjective

An explanation or statement that is plausible seems likely to be true or valid.

A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.

That explanation seems entirely plausible to me.

Synonyms: believable, possible, likely, reasonable   More Synonyms of plausible

plausibly (plɔːzɪbli  ) adverb

Having bluffed his way in without paying, he could not plausibly demand his money back.

plausibility (plɔːzɪbɪlɪti  ) uncountable noun

...the plausibility of the theory.

2. adjective

If you say that someone is plausible, you mean that they seem to be telling the truth and to be sincere and honest.

He was so plausible that he conned everybody.

Synonyms: glib, smooth, specious, smooth-talking


1)countable noun

A candidate is someone who is being considered for a position, for example someone who is running in an election or applying for a job.

The Democratic candidate is still leading in the polls.

He is a candidate for the office of Governor.

We all spoke to them and John emerged as the best candidate.

Synonyms: contender, competitor, applicant, nominee   More Synonyms of candidate

2. countable noun

A candidate is someone who is taking an examination.


3. countable noun

A candidate is someone who is studying for a degree at a college.


4. countable noun

A candidate is a person or thing that is regarded as being suitable for a particular purpose or as being likely to do or be a particular thing.

I think Birmingham City are prime candidates for relegation next season.

Those who are overweight or indulge in high-salt diets are candidates for hypertension.



If you pore over or through information, you look at it and study it very carefully.

e.gWe spent hours poring over travel brochures.

It will take several more months to pore through the volumes of documents.

Synonyms: study, read, examine, go over


1. countable noun

A gradient is a slope, or the degree to which the ground slopes.


...a gradient of 1 in 3.

The courses are long and punishing, with steep gradients.


in AM, usually use grade

Synonyms: slope, hill, rise, grade

2. countable noun

The gradient of a graph or series of measurements is the rate at which one set of amounts changes in relation to another.


uncountable noun

If a person or thing is under scrutiny, they are being studied or observed very carefully.

His private life came under media scrutiny.

The President promised a government open to public scrutiny.

Synonyms: examination, study, investigation, search



1. countable noun

The implications of something are the things that are likely to happen as a result.

e.g   The Attorney General was aware of the political implications of his decision to prosecute.

The low level of current investment has serious implications for future economic growth.

Synonyms: consequence, result, development, ramification

2. countable noun

The implication of a statement, event, or situation is what it implies or suggests is the case.

The implication was obvious: vote for us or it will be very embarrassing for you.

The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader's credibility is preposterous.

by implication


1. verb

If you derive something such as pleasure or benefit from a person or from something, you get it from them.


Mr Ying is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.

Synonyms: obtain, get, receive, draw

2. verb

If you say that something such as a word or feeling derives or is derived from something else, you mean that it comes from that thing.

Anna's strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.

The word Easter derives from Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring.


1. verb

If something or someone penetrates a physical object or an area, they succeed in getting into it or passing through it.

X-rays can penetrate many objects.

His men had been ordered to shoot on sight anyone trying to penetrate the area.

penetration (penɪtreɪʃən  )

Word forms:

uncountable noun

The exterior walls are three to three and a half feet thick to prevent penetration by bombs.

...moves designed to block enemy penetrations.

Synonyms: piercing, entry, entrance, invasion

Synonyms: pervasion, spreading, soaking, diffusion

Synonyms: entry, entrance, inroad   More Synonyms of penetrate

Synonyms: perception, insight, wit, sharpness

2. verb

If someone penetrates an organization, a group, or a profession, they succeed in entering it although it is difficult to do so.

...the continuing failure of women to penetrate the higher levels of engineering.

The drugs industry is complex and hard to penetrate.

3. verb

If someone penetrates an enemy group or a rival organization, they succeed in joining it in order to get information or cause trouble.

The CIA had requested our help to penetrate a drugs ring operating out of Munich.

The army was one of the few institutions the secret police were not encouraged to penetrate.

penetration  uncountable noun

...the successful penetration by the KGB of the French intelligence service.

Synonyms: piercing, entry, entrance, invasion

Synonyms: pervasion, spreading, soaking, diffusion

Synonyms: entry, entrance, inroad

Synonyms: perception, insight, wit, sharpness

4. verb

If a company or country penetrates a market or area, they succeed in selling their products there.


There have been around 15 attempts from outside France to penetrate the market.

penetration  uncountable noun

...import penetration across a broad range of heavy industries.

Synonyms: piercing, entry, entrance, invasion

Synonyms: pervasion, spreading, soaking, diffusion

Synonyms: entry, entrance, inroad

Synonyms: perception, insight, wit, sharpness

5. verb

If you penetrate something that is difficult to understand, you succeed in understanding it.


...long answers that were often difficult to penetrate.

Synonyms: grasp, understand, work out, figure out [informal]


countable noun

A crust is a hard layer of something, especially on top of a softer or wetter substance.

As the water evaporates, a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil.

Synonyms: layer, covering, coating, incrustation


1. adjective

If something is confined to a particular place, it exists only in that place. If it is confined to a particular group, only members of that group have it.

The problem is not confined to Germany.

These dangers are not confined to smokers.

2. adjective

A confined space or area is small and enclosed by walls.

His long legs bent up in the confined space.

Synonyms: restricted, small, limited, narrow

3. adjective

If someone is confined to a wheelchair, bed, or house, they have to stay there, because they have a disability or are ill. This use could cause offence.

He had been confined to a wheelchair since childhood.

47.well up


tears welled up in my eyes


when he heard the news, joy welled up within him.

Day12   逻辑导图+神句分析

1.The team  contends  that these bear more than a passing resemblance  to the networks of bacteria that live in hydrothermal vents--towering,crenellated structures that form in the deep ocean above the boundaries between tectonic  plates ,where superheated mineral-laden water spurts up from beneath the seabed.


订正:the networks of bacteria:细菌群落

towering, crenellated structures that form in the deep

ocean above the boundaries between tectonic plates,深海中构造板块交界边缘上方高耸锯齿型的部分

2.Such a find isdoubly intriguing because hydrothermal vents are seen asa plausible candidate for the

cradle of life.




3.Although the sorts of bacteria apparently found by Dr. Papineau and his colleagues are too

complicated to reveal much about the very earliest organisms, the  suggestion that hydrothermal vents have  played host tolife for so long is a strike in the theory’s favor.



Day 13 总结反思



1. adjective

An explanation or statement that is plausible seems likely to be true or valid.

A more plausible explanation would seem to be that people are fed up with the Conservative government.

That explanation seems entirely plausible to me.

Synonyms: believable, possible, likely, reasonable   

plausibly   adverb

Having bluffed his way in without paying, he could not plausibly demand his money back.

plausibility  uncountable noun

...the plausibility of the theory.

2. adjective

If you say that someone is plausible, you mean that they seem to be telling the truth and to be sincere and honest.

He was so plausible that he conned everybody.

Synonyms: glib, smooth, specious, smooth-talking


今天是Topic4 的最后一天训练,也是自己专四考试的日子。今天可以说是考的不理想吧。在考阅读题的时候,阅读很慢,一直不能抓住文章的重点和中心。看来自己在精读班还是有很多要学习的地方。阅读是一个英专生的基本功,但自己这项基本功却这样不牢靠,今天考完试回来,心情一直很Low。但晚上还是很认真地把精读班作业写完了,毕竟知道自己的阅读功底确实不太OK......



但需要内化的是文章的写作方式。正如笃师说的,经济学人很多的写作方式都是一正一反,一会支持一会反驳自己的观点。在这次阅读这篇文章的时候,自己也特别注意这方面的问题。前面还在谈科学家的发现,后面就跳出新证据来反驳。但这样的形式,会让你发现经济学人其实并没有因为生词多而变得枯燥,反而你可以通过一连串的but,however,what's more,intriguingly等等转折,表达观点的副词来迅速get到作者的本意。这样的阅读材料还是很值得品鉴的!





