If stigma is the problem, using different words/ may not help
New terms/ can take on/ the pejorative undertones/ of the ones they replace.
1.stigma n. /ˈstɪɡmə/ 耻辱;羞耻;There is no longer any stigma attached to being divorced. 离婚不再是什么丢脸的事
2.take on sth. 表示“呈现,具有(特征、外观等)
3.pejorative /pɪˈdʒɒrətɪv/ 表示“贬义的,侮辱性的,贬损的,轻蔑的”
4.undertone /ˈʌndətəʊn/ n.(蕴含的)含意,特质,情绪;弦外之音;低音,小声;浅色
undertone 是under+tone组成的,前缀"under-"表示“在…下,低于”,"tone"表示“声音、音调”,所以undertone可以理解为低于主音的音调,或话语的言外之意。例如:His soft words contained an undertone of warning. 他温和的话中蕴涵着警告之意。
The associated press (AP) style book’s Twitter feed/ is not often a source of hilarity.
But the wire service recently tweeted: “We recommend/ avoiding general and often dehumanising ‘the’ labels/ such as the poor, the mentally ill, the French, the disabled, the college-educated.”
After the tweet went viral, the AP deleted it and apologised for dehumanising “the French”.
1.The Associated Press 美国联合通讯社,简称美联社,英文缩写AP
The Associated Press (AP) style book 即美联社写作风格指南,其推特账号是“AP Stylebook”
AP Stylebook (美联社写作风格指南)是由美国新闻界权威组织之一的美联社出版的一本新闻写作规范手册。是新闻行业标准写作指南之一,几乎所有的美国报纸、杂志、电视台等新闻媒体都遵循这个规范。
2.twitter feed指“推特简讯,推文流” ;feed 在此处作名词,表示“(博客、新闻网站、社交网站等的)信息推送,信息订阅功能”
3.hilarity /hɪˈlærəti/ 作名词,表示“欢笑,欢闹,欢乐”,尤指用笑声表达的“极度快乐”
4.wire /ˈwaɪə(r)/ 作名词表示“电线,导线;金属丝,金属线”,也可以表示“电报”相当于telegram;wire service 表示“通讯社”
5.tweet /twiːt/ 作动词,表示“(小鸟)啾啾地叫,(使用推特社交网络)发送(消息)”
6.dehumanise (美式dehumanize) /ˌdiːˈhjuːmənaɪz/
前缀de-表示“去除、除去”,human是词根,后缀"-ise"(或"-ize")表示“使...,将...变为...”,名词或形容词加上这个后缀可以转换为动词,比如priority(n.优先权)→prioritize(v. 给…以优先权)。所以dehumanise作动词,表示“使丧失人性,使人失去人性”。
7.viral /ˈvaɪrəl/ 作形容词,本意是“病毒的,病毒性的”,由于互联网上的信息传播具有病毒传播的特征,人们开始使用"viral"来形容信息在网络上迅速传播、感染的情况。所以viral 也可以表示“在网上快速传播的”。
美联社(The Associated Press ,缩写AP)写作风格指南的推文通常不是人们捧腹大笑的来源。但这家通讯社最近在推特上说 "我们建议避免使用笼统的、通常不太人道的'the'标签,如the poor (穷人)、the mentally ill (精神病患者)、the French (法国人)、the disabled (残疾人)、 the college-educated (受过大学教育的人)。" 在这条推文被广泛传播后,美联社删除了该推文,并就给“the French ”贴上“不太人道”标签的言论致歉。
Despite the mockery, the AP advice/ has solid reasoning/ behind it: that of “people-centred” language.
English (like many other languages) allows/ the use of an adjective /as a noun: the good, the bad, the ugly.
But in contrast to some other languages, it is increasingly considered essentialising/ to refer to “the poor” or “the disabled”, as though /they are nothing else. This especially /applies to characteristics /that might be considered unfortunate.
The AP did not apologise to “the college-educated”/ as it did to the French, but it did not need to; nobody really minds being lumped in either group.
The issue is essentialising combined with stigma.
1.mockery n.英/ˈmɒkəri/;美/ˈmɑːkəri/
嘲笑;愚弄She couldn't stand any more of their mockery. 她再也无法忍受他们的愚弄了。
笑柄;被嘲笑的对象It was a mockery of a trial. 这次审判实在可笑。
2.solid 在句中表示“坚实的,充分的,可靠的”
3.reasoning n. 推想,推理,理性的观点,论证
4.in contrast to 相比之下,与…相反;与…截然不同,与…对比鲜明
5.essentialise (美式essentialize) 作动词,表示“使本质化,扼要阐述,使精炼”。
本质化在文中指的是“将某些群体或个体简要地描述为他们的某个特定属性(如“the poor”,“the disabled”),而忽略了他们的其他方面或者多样性”。
6.as though 好像似乎仿佛即使
7.lump /lʌmp/ v. 把…归并一起(或合起来考虑),把…当作一类;
尽管遭到了嘲笑,但美联社的建议背后有着坚实的理据,即“以人为本”的语言。英语(像许多其他语言一样)允许将形容词作为名词使用,如“the good(好人)”、“the bad(坏人)”、“the ugly(丑陋的人)”。但与其他一些语言相比,越来越多的人认为将人以“the poor(穷人)”或“the disabled(残疾人)”等标签称呼存在刻板印象,好像他们没有其他特征一样。这尤其适用于被认为是不幸的特征。美联社并没有像对法国人那样向“the college-educated(受过大学教育的人)”道歉,但也不需要这样做;没有人真的介意被归为其中任何一组。问题在于带有刻板印象的同时还伴有歧视。
Some people are also troubled /by bare group nouns /such as “blacks”, “gays” and “Jews”, though these too/ seem to be /on the decline.
Fortunately, it is not hard/ to add another word /without clunking up your prose—either “people” or, even better, something descriptive /as in “black veterans”, “gay activists” or “Jewish voters”.
These make these phrases/ a bit /more three-dimensional, like the people they point to.
1.bare 原意指“赤裸的,裸露的”,在句中可以理解为“不加修饰的”,与后面的descriptive相对,bare group nouns不加修饰的集体名词,如“blacks”,光光一个单词,没有修饰语,其descriptive形式如下文的“black veterans (黑人老兵)”
bare也可以表示“(事实、细节等)最基本的,最重要的”,如:the bare facts 最基本的事实;the bare[=basic] necessities (of life) 最基本的(生活)必需品
2.on the decline 减少,下降;逐渐势微;正在衰退;恶化
3.clunk /klʌŋk/ 作动词,表示“哐啷一声撞上,铿锵作响,发出沉闷、笨重、不协调的声音或噪音”,也可以表示某物的笨重或不协调。clunk up 在句中表示“使...变得笨重/不流畅/不协调”
4.descriptive /dɪˈskrɪptɪv/ adj. 描写性的;描写的,叙述的,说明的
5.veteran /ˈvetərən/ n. 老兵,退伍军人;经验丰富的人,老手
6.three-dimensional 表示“三维的,立体的”,也可以表示“(文学、戏剧作品)描写深刻的;有真实感的”或者“(虚构的人物)栩栩如生的,逼真的,鲜活的”
一些人也会对不加修饰的群体名词的使用感到困扰,例如“blacks(黑人)”,“gays(同性恋)”和“Jews(犹太人)”,虽然这种用法似乎正在减少。幸运的是,在不影响文章流畅性的情况下,增加一个词并不难,例如“people”,或者更好的是一些描述性的词语,比如“black veterans(黑人老兵)”,“gay activists(同性恋活动家)”或“Jewish voters(犹太选民)”,这样可以使这些短语更有立体感,就像它们所指的人一样。
These are far from /the only ideas/ flowing into journalists’ inboxes today.
Suggestions abound: replace “slaves” with “enslaved people”; “minorities” with “minoritised people” or “racialised people”; “addicts” with “drug users” or “people with a substance-abuse problem”; “obese people” with “people with obesity”; “convicts” or “inmates” with “those who are incarcerated”. And so on.
1.ar from 远非,远远不是;完全不,几乎相反
2.inbox /ˈɪnbɒks/ n. 收件箱
3.abound /əˈbaʊnd/ v. 大量存在,有许多
4.enslave /ɪnˈsleɪv/ v. 使成为奴隶,奴役;使受控制,征服,制伏
5.minority /maɪˈnɒrəti/ 作名词,表示“少数派,少数群体”,即在一个群体中占比较小的那一部分人,这个群体可以是种族、宗教、文化、政治等方面的群体。
6.addict/ˈædɪkt/ n. 吸毒成瘾的人,瘾君子;对…入迷的人
7.substance abuse n. 使用毒品,(对毒品的)成瘾,滥用毒品,滥用药物,酗酒
8.obese /əʊˈbiːs/ adj. 肥胖的,过胖的,臃肿的;obesity /əʊˈbiːsəti/ n. 肥胖
9.convict /kənˈvɪkt/ n. 已决犯,服刑囚犯;inmate /ˈɪnmeɪt/ n.(监狱中的)囚犯,(精神病院的)住院者;同住者,同狱犯人,同病房者
因此,convict 和 inmate的区别在于前者强调被判刑的身份,而后者则强调目前被拘留的事实。
10.incarcerate /ɪnˈkɑː səreɪt/ v. 监禁,关押,禁闭
这些远非如今流入新闻从业者收件箱里唯一的想法。建议层出不穷:用“enslaved people (被奴役的人)”取代“ slaves (奴隶)”;用“minoritised people(少数化人群)”或“racialised people(种族化人群)”取代“minorities(少数族裔)”;用“drug users(药物使用者)”或“people with a substance-abuse problem(有药物滥用问题的人)”取代“addicts(瘾君子)”;用“people with obesity(患肥胖症的人)”取代“obese people(肥胖者)”;用“those who are incarcerated(被监禁的人)”取代“convicts(罪犯)”或“inmates(囚犯)”,等等。
In each instance, the target is a term that is, or can be seen as, pejorative.
The alternative is meant to be less so. But those who encourage these lexical replacements face several problems.
1.alternative /ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv/ n. 供替代的选择,替代物;adj.可供选择的,备选的,供替代的;另类的;非主流的,非传统的
2.lexical /ˈleksɪkl/ [linguistics 语言学];adj.(与)词汇(有关)的,(与)词典(有关)的
3.be meant to例句
Everything is meant to be businesslike. 所有的事情原本应该是公事公办的。
This restaurant is meant to be excellent. 都说这家饭店很棒。
Life is meant to be happy. 生命是为了快乐。
This is meant to happen. 这件事注定要发生。
One is that though a case can be made for each individual change, adopting every one will quickly make a piece of writing lumbering, since every new option is longer than the one it is supposed to replace.
It will also make prose seem more unnatural, since the entire point is to replace words in common use with phrases that are not.
Good journalism is ideally conversational and accessible, calling for a brisk and compelling style.
1.lumbering /ˈlʌmbərɪŋ/ 表示“笨重的,沉重的;笨拙的,动作迟缓的,缓慢吃力的”,在文中表示较长的替代词使文章变得累赘,显得很“笨重”,与下文的brisk(轻快的)相对。
2.ideally /aɪˈdiːəli/ adv. 完美地,理想地,最合适的;作为理想的做法,合乎理想地
3.conversational adj. 会话(式)的,谈话的,交谈的,对话的;非正式的,用于交谈的,口语的
4.accessible 表示“易理解的,易懂的”
5.call for sth 表示“需要;要求,呼吁”,例如:Environmental activists are calling for a ban on single-use plastic products.环保活动人士呼吁禁止使用一次性塑料制品。
6.brisk 表示“轻快的,敏捷的;精干利落的,麻利的”
7.compelling /kəmˈpelɪŋ/ 表示“令人信服的;引人入胜的”
8.make a case for提出充分理由;You could certainly make a case for this point of view. 你当然可以为这种观点做解释。
Changing the world is hard; changing the language is a lot easier, which is why linguistic engineering can tempt people /who may feel /they have no other tools at hand apart from their keyboards.
But it does not seem to work out as hoped.
Replacing a stigmatised word often merely results in /the stigma attaching to the new word.
“Retarded” was once a polite way of saying “feeble-minded”; it was in long-standing clinical use before becoming a playground insult and, ultimately, deeply offensive.
“Special needs” came next, but now “special” is a mean-spirited taunt too.
1.linguistic /lɪŋˈɡwɪstɪk/ adj. 语言的,语言学的
2.tempt /tempt/ v. 吸引,劝说,鼓动,引诱,诱惑
3.apart from 除了…之外,此外
4.work out 表示“(如期)发生,进展(顺利),成功地发展”,例如:I hope everything works out for you in your new job.我希望你在新工作中一切顺利。
5.retarded /rɪˈtɑːdɪd/ adj. 迟钝的,弱智的,智力发育迟缓的
6.feeble /ˈfiːbl/ adj. 虚弱的,薄弱的;微弱的,无力的;牵强的,不太可信的
7.feeble-minded adj. 弱智的,低能的,愚蠢的;意志薄弱的,优柔寡断的,无决断的
8.clinical /ˈklɪnɪkl/ adj. 临床的,诊所的;冷静的,客观的,没有人情味的;简陋的,无装饰的
9.offensive /əˈfensɪv/ adj. 冒犯的,无礼的,得罪人的;极其讨厌的,令人不适的;攻击的,进攻的
10.mean-spirited adj. 怀有恶意的,卑鄙的;气量小的,心胸狭窄的
11.taunt /tɔːnt/ n. 嘲笑(或讽刺、奚落等)的言辞
改变世界很难,改变语言要容易得多,这就是为什么语言工程能够吸引那些可能感觉手头除了键盘没有其他工具的人。但它似乎并不像人们所希望的那样奏效。替换一个被污名化的词语通常只会导致新词也带有污名。“Retarded(智力发育迟缓)”曾经是“feeble-minded(弱智)”的委婉说法,它在临床上被长期使用,后来变成了操场上的侮辱用语,最终变得极其冒犯。接下来出现了“special needs(特殊需求)”,但现在“special”也成了一种恶意的嘲弄。
In the same vein “handicapped” was a kinder replacement for “crippled”, and “homeless” for “vagrant”.
Now “handicapped” is out and “disabled” is in (or, better yet, “person with a disability”).“Unhoused” is gaining ground over “homeless”.
This “euphemism treadmill” has been observed since at least the 1970s.Nevertheless, people still hope to remake the world through language.
1.vein /veɪn/ n. 风格,方式;(某种素质或特征的)量;静脉;叶脉,翅脉;纹理,纹路;矿脉,矿层,岩脉
vein的原意是指血管中的静脉或动脉,也可以指其他物质在组织或矿物中的分布方式。在in the same vein这个短语中,它表示“在同一种类或主题中”,通常用于引出一个类似的观点或话题。所以in the same vein表示“同样地,以同样的方式,以同样的风格”。
2.handicapped /ˈhændikæpt/ adj. 生理缺陷的,残疾的,弱智的
3.crippled /ˈkrɪp.əld/ 残疾的,伤残的,跛腿的
4.vagrant /ˈveɪɡrənt/ n. 流浪者,漂泊者,乞丐;adj.流浪的,漂泊的,游荡的
5.unhoused /ʌnˈhaʊzd/无住所的,无庇护地的
6.gain ground 是一个习语,表示在”逐渐取得优势或进展“,在某个领域“gain ground”意味着某种理念、方法或行动逐渐获得认可和支持,开始变得“流行或普及”。例如:Renewable energy is gaining ground as people become more aware of the impact of fossil fuels on the environment.随着人们对化石燃料对环境影响的认识加深,可再生能源正逐渐流行起来。
7.euphemism /ˈjuːfəmɪzəm/ n. 委婉语,委婉说法
8.treadmill /ˈtredmɪl/ n. 跑步机,走步机;踏车;枯燥无味的工作(或生活方式)euphemism treadmill中的treadmill 的意思可以解释为“循环”,因为 euphemism treadmill 描述的是随着时间的推移,某个词语的本意被视为不适当或冒犯的情况下,人们会使用更温和、含糊或不直接表达的词语来替代它,但这些新的词语最终也可能会变得不合适或冒犯。因此,人们不得不一遍又一遍地使用新的词语,euphemism treadmill 也是一种不断重复的过程,类似于跑步机(treadmill),你可以一直跑,但你最终会回到起点。
9.observe /əbˈzɜːv/ v. 注意到,观察到,看到;观察,注视,监视;遵守,奉行;说,评论
同样的,“handicapped(残疾人)”是“crippled(瘸子)”的一个较为友好的替换词,“homeless(无家可归者)”替代了“vagrant(流浪汉)”。现在,“handicapped”已经过时,取而代之的是“disabled(残障人士)”(或更好的说法是“person with a disability (有某种障碍的人)”),“homeless”则被“unhoused(无住所者)”所取代。自20世纪70年代以来,人们已经注意到了这种“委婉语循环”的存在。尽管如此,人们仍然希望通过语言改变世界。
Some groups have taken another tack, and reclaimed older terms.
“African-American” had a 30-year heyday, but now “black” is back, and even given a capital B by many.
Though “hearing-impaired” is still in medical parlance, many “Deaf” people proudly refer to themselves as such, also with a capital D.
Other activists have decided there is nothing wrong with being “fat”, and have wholeheartedly embraced the term.
As with reclaiming slurs, the idea seems to be /that showing pride is likely to be more effective than swapping words.
1.tack n. 方针,方法,思路
2.reclaim v. 取回,拿回,要求归还
3.heyday/ˈheɪdeɪ/ n. 全盛期,最鼎盛时期
4.impaired /ɪmˈpeəd/ adj. 受损的,损坏的,出毛病的
-impaired 表示“有(身体或智力)缺陷的,有…障碍的”,比如speech-impaired[有语言障碍的]
5.parlance /ˈpɑːləns/ n. 说法,用语,术语
6.wholeheartedly /ˌhəʊlˈhɑːtɪdli/ adv. 全心全意地,完全地,赤诚地
7.slur /slɜː(r)/ n. 侮辱性的言辞,诽谤,诋毁
8.swap /swɒp/ v. 替换,替代,用…替换,把…换成;交换,掉换
一些团体采取了另一种策略,重新使用一些旧术语。 “African-American(非裔美国人)”曾经流行了30年,但现在“black(黑人)”又回来了,并且许多人还大写了B。虽然“hearing-impaired(听力障碍)”在医学术语中仍然存在,但许多聋人自豪地称自己为“Deaf”,也大写了D。其他活动人士认为,“fat”并没有什么问题,并完全接受这个词。与重新使用侮辱性词汇类似,他们的想法似乎都是是,表现出自豪感可能比替换词汇更有效。
As for writers, good work should humanise whatever it is about, which is why stories often begin with a named person before going into causation and abstraction.
If such writing is sharply as well as humanely done, it will be compelling to readers, and may even be of benefit to its subjects.
To that end, the language of everyday conversation is likely to be at least as useful as the latest terminology /recommended by activists.
People-centred writing is indeed a good thing—but there is more than one way of putting people at its heart.
1.humanise /ˈhjuːmənaɪz/ v. 使更人道,使更适合人,使人性化
2.causation /kɔːˈzeɪʃn/ n. 因果关系,因果律(或性);诱因,起因,原因
3.abstraction n. 抽象概念,抽象;摘取,提取,抽取;出神,心不在焉
4.sharply adv. 尖刻地,严厉地,猛烈地;鲜明地,明显地;急剧地,骤然地
5.humanely /hjuːˈmeɪnli/ adv. 人道地,富于同情心地,仁慈地
6.subject n.(实验、研究等的)对象;主题,话题,题材,问题;学科,科目,课程
7.to that end 为此,为此目的,因为那个原故
8.terminology /ˌtɜːmɪˈnɒlədʒi/ n. 术语,专门用语