Unlock that door 打开国门

2020-03-05  本文已影响0人  浮海纪一朝


Overcoming these objections will be hard. But not impossible, if policymakers observe four principles. First, border control matters. Voters, perfectly reasonably, cannot abide chaos; governments must set and enforce the rules for who comes. Second, migrants must pay their way. Most already do, but it is crucial to design policies that encourage this, by making it easy for them to work and hard, at least for a while, to claim welfare benefits.


Third, be creative. Australia’s “points-based” system is often praised, not least by some Brexiteers. It favours migrants who are young, English-speaking and have useful skills. It is quick, transparent and welcoming. At the same time Australia pitilessly excludes anyone who tries to enter without permission. Australians mostly support this system because they feel in charge of it.


More market-based systems are also worth trying. Countries could auction visas to the well-heeled. In addition, for those who cannot yet afford to bid, they could allow more migrants in but apply surtaxes to their wages for a period, and transfer the money to citizens. If this is the price of entry, many migrants will choose to pay it. And if voters see an immigration dividend, they may find that new mosque does not bother them as much.


Fourth, pace matters more than absolute levels. Political resistance to migrants spikes with sudden surges in immigration. In 2015 net immigration to Germany more than doubled to almost 1.2m, leading to a backlash. Yet the share of the population that is foreign-born is 16%, compared with 29% in Australia. This shows that a country with sensible policies can be almost two times as open to migration as Germany without even a hint of the disaster that nativists predict. On the contrary, Australia has a lower homicide rate than Germany, its people live longer and it has not had a recession since 1991. Many Australians grumble about congestion in the cities most popular with migrants, but this is fixable with the taxes those migrants pay.


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