
英语口语:under the weather别译成中文“天气下”

2019-07-16  本文已影响0人  比格尔英语

英语口语:under the weather别翻译成中文“在天气下”

1) 能把英语翻译成中文不代表你“懂”英语了:



2) 英语under the weather用英语怎么说?

所以,见到英语I am under the weather时,千万不要把它翻译成中文“在天气下”,也不要翻译成中文“身体不适”(虽然它的中文就是这个意思),要有把它翻译成英语feeling ill,or slightly not well的能力,这才是真正学会了英语under the weather,同时又训练了自己把学过的英语用起来的能力和英语口语能力。

所以,读到英语I'm under the weather时,要能把under the weather翻译成下面你都学过的英语:

1. Okay,I got you.If you are under the weather, you are feeling ill.You're slightly ill.You're mildly unwell.

2. Okay,I got you.If you are under the weather, you are feeling

sick,you're feeling depressed,or you're not feeling as well/cheerful as usual.

以后见英语under the weather,你能张口就说出这些英语口语吗?

3) 轮到你把英语under the weather说成英语了:

1. I'd been feeling a bit under the weather for a couple of weeks.

2. She was suffering from stress and generally under the weather.

3. She was off work for two weeks and she still seems a bit under the weather.

4.Whatever I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit under the weather.

5.I feel sort of under the weather today. Whatever I ate for lunch is making me feel a bit under the weather.

英语under the weather是多义词,不过其它英语意思不在今天学习范围。


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