WKWebView 添加 userAgent 信息

2017-05-22  本文已影响55人  溪鱼

'' + (void)initialize {


'' BaseViewController*webVc;


'' //获取自身UA


'' if([webVcclass] == [UIWebViewclass])


'' {


'' UIWebView* webView = [[UIWebViewalloc]initWithFrame:CGRectZero];


'' NSString* secretAgent = [webViewstringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"navigator.userAgent"];


'' //NSString *newUserAgent = [secretAgent stringByAppendingString:@" Appended Custom User Agent"];


'' NSString*newUserAgent = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%@ liuchang/%@",secretAgent,[[NSBundlemainBundle]objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"]];


'' // Set user agent (the only problem is that we can't modify the User-Agent later in the program)


'' NSDictionary*dictionnary = [[NSDictionaryalloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:newUserAgent,@"UserAgent",nil];


'' [[NSUserDefaultsstandardUserDefaults]registerDefaults:dictionnary];


'' }


'' else


'' {


'' WKWebView*wkWebView = [[WKWebViewalloc]initWithFrame:CGRectZero];


'' NSString* secretAgent = [wkWebViewstringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"navigator.userAgent"];


'' //NSString *newUserAgent = [secretAgent stringByAppendingString:@" Appended Custom User Agent"];


'' NSString*newUserAgent = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%@ liuchang/%@",secretAgent,[[NSBundlemainBundle]objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"]];


'' // Set user agent (the only problem is that we can't modify the User-Agent later in the program)


'' NSDictionary*dictionnary = [[NSDictionaryalloc]initWithObjectsAndKeys:newUserAgent,@"UserAgent",nil];


'' [[NSUserDefaultsstandardUserDefaults]registerDefaults:dictionnary];


'' //[wkWebView evaluateJavaScript:@"navigator.userAgent" completionHandler:^(id result, NSError *error) {


'' //DLog(@"userAgent :%@", result);


'' //


'' //if (result)


'' //{


'' //NSString *newUserAgent = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@ Wanxiao/%@",result,[[NSBundle mainBundle] objectForInfoDictionaryKey:@"CFBundleShortVersionString"]];


'' //// Set user agent (the only problem is that we can't modify the User-Agent later in the program)


'' //NSDictionary *dictionnary = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:newUserAgent, @"UserAgent", nil];


'' //[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:dictionnary];


'' //}


'' //}];


'' }


'' }




'' //


'' //WKWebView+SynchronousEvaluateJavaScript.h


'' //NCP


'' //


'' //Created by liuchang on 16/10/28.


'' //Copyright  All rights reserved.


'' //


'' #import


'' @interfaceWKWebView (SynchronousEvaluateJavaScript)


'' - (NSString*)stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:(NSString*)script;


'' @end



'' //


'' //


'' //Created by liuchang on 16/10/28.


'' //Copyright  All rights reserved.


'' //


'' #import"WKWebView+SynchronousEvaluateJavaScript.h"


'' @implementationWKWebView (SynchronousEvaluateJavaScript)


'' - (NSString*)stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:(NSString*)script


'' {


'' __blockNSString*resultString =nil;


'' __blockBOOLfinished =NO;


'' [selfevaluateJavaScript:scriptcompletionHandler:^(idresult,NSError*error) {


'' if(error ==nil) {


'' if(result !=nil) {


'' resultString = [NSStringstringWithFormat:@"%@", result];


'' }


'' }else{


'' NSLog(@"evaluateJavaScript error : %@", error.localizedDescription);


'' }


'' finished =YES;


'' }];


'' while(!finished)


'' {


'' [[NSRunLoopcurrentRunLoop]runMode:NSDefaultRunLoopModebeforeDate:[NSDatedistantFuture]];


'' }


'' returnresultString;


'' }


'' @end



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