

2017-03-10  本文已影响117人  七老师



The Academy Awards

Gleaming in the moonlight


The final Oscar (finally) went to the best film, as more people will now discover

as: a fact which

  1. THE big shock at the Academy Awards on February 26th, aside from a kerfuffle over announcing the wrong winner for best picture, was that the right film actually won in the end. “Moonlight” is like no other film that has won best picture before: in terms of the story the film tells, how little was spent to tell it ($1.6m) and just how few people saw it. Far more will see it now.

kerfuffle : BrE informal unnecessary noise and activity = fuss


  1. Based on a semi-autobiographical play by Tarell Alvin McCraney, “Moonlight” is the tale of a black gay youth’s struggles growing up and coming of age as the son of a crack-addicted mother in the tough Miami neighbourhood of Liberty City. Barry Jenkins, another son of Liberty City, adapted the screenplay and directed it, splitting the story of the youth, Chiron, into three parts—as a boy, a teenager and then a man. The boy, neglected and verbally abused by his mother, finds a father figure in Juan, a drug dealer who gives him a second home and lessons in life. As a teenager he grows more distant from his mother and timidly explores his sexuality. As a man he has grown a hardened shell to protect himself from his childhood, but it begins to crack.
    2)基于塔赖尔·阿尔文·麦卡尼(Tarell Alvin McCraney)的半自传体舞台剧,《月光男孩》是一个黑人同性恋青年挣扎着成长和成熟的故事,他是在自由城残酷的迈阿密社区一个毒品上瘾的母亲的儿子。自由城的另一个儿子巴里·詹金斯(Barry Jenkins)改编剧本并导演了它,他将这个年轻人奇伦(Chiron)的故事分为三个部分—— 男孩,青少年和男人。这个被他的母亲忽视并言语虐待的男孩,在一个给他第二个家和教他生活经验的毒贩胡安身上找到父亲的形象。作为一个青年,他变得离他的母亲更疏远,并且胆怯地探索他的性向。作为一个男人,他已经长出了坚硬的壳,以保护自己不受童年经历的影响,但壳开始破裂。

  2. It is a hypnotic film, punctuated by small moving moments and meaningful silences, like the tension before a first kiss, or a question hanging without an answer. James Laxton, the cinematographer, washes the images in lush colours and contrasts which, accompanied by a subtle, occasionally soaring score by Nicholas Britell, give the film a dreamlike quality.

punctuate: to be interrupted by something, especially when this is repeated
e.g. The silence was occasionally punctuated by laughter.

3)它是一部催眠的电影,不时被小的移动片段和有意义的沉默打断,比如在第一次接吻之前的紧张,或一个没有答案悬而未决的问题。电影摄影师詹姆斯·拉克斯顿(James Laxton)用鲜艳的色彩和对比度来拍摄影像,伴随着尼古拉斯·布里特尔(Nicholas Britell)的一个微妙的、偶尔飙升的音符,赋予这部电影梦幻般的品质。

  1. “Moonlight” received a rapturous reception from critics and eight Oscar nominations, including for both Mr Laxton and Mr Britell, as well as for Naomie Harris as the boy’s mother. Mr Jenkins and Mr McCraney won for best adapted screenplay; Mahershala Ali won for best supporting actor in the role of Juan.

  2. The academy’s voters have shown a preference for smaller-budget films in recent years, but never for one as small as this. Seven of the previous eight winners of best picture cost between $15m and $20m; “Moonlight” was made for a tenth of that. The film’s worldwide box-office total, $26m, means that perhaps 300,000 people have seen it, far fewer than have seen previous winners (or “La La Land”, this year’s incorrectly-announced winner). But after the Oscars it became the best- selling movie on iTunes in America, and is already opening again in more cinemas. The story of “Moonlight” is just starting.
    5)最近几年奥斯卡的评委表现出较低成本电影的偏好,但从来没有对这样一部如此低成本的电影(青睐有加)。之前的八部“最佳影片”获奖电影中有七部成本在1500万到2000万美元之间;《月光男孩》的制作只用了其十分之一。这部电影的全球票房总额为2,600万美元,意味着也许有30万人看过它,远远少于以前的获奖者(也少于《爱乐之城》,今年的乌龙获奖者)。但在奥斯卡之后,它成为了在美国的iTunes上最畅销的电影,并已经在更多的电影院再次上映。 《月光男孩》的故事才刚刚开始。





