如何全面有效地针对一个市场搜索品牌 Search Brands

I had an article about dealing with bottleneck of searching. It's a good idea to start from a market that few people focus on, looking for the best brand buyers. But I’d like to share with you another way which is to deal with the so-called bottleneck by focusing on potential market but with most brands .
According to traditional thinking, the general method is that by inputting keywords in search engine to find related target site or online stores, and then find out brands and so on.
In fact, I just put forward an improved method basing on the above way but has obvious effect. As is known to all, many brands can be found on online store and different stores contains different brands. You may say that you know that clearly. But are you familiar with all stores? In addition, do you pay attention to the updated brands? Maybe you would say, it is quite inconvenient. But if you learn to manage your own search information, making a record, it is not complicated. I used to establish my own archives, recording key business sites of each market and new brands information during different period and so on, reviewing and updating record regularly so as to save my time to search and I can search all brands comprehensively.
The above is just one method. What useful way I am about to share is how to find the best quality of “new” brands which is not in the traditional sense of customers you newly follow up with but those companies or groups who newly run your products. You must be interested in the way to find them.
第一种最直接的方式是先了解这个国家比较大的集团,然后再了解他们是否涉足相关的行业,可以通过About us和group companies, Industry等了解,如果是知名度比较大的企业,也可以通过百度了解。虽然你会说这种方法比较麻烦,但是就像中国一样,如果是比较大的集团公司,他们的业务肯定遍布各行各业,如果恰巧是对口的公司,那么他们的采购量也是相应比较可观的。如果是刚开展对口业务的公司,合作下来也是非常稳定的。很多情况是客户没有开展我们的产品,但是如果你能够找到关键的负责人,推荐他们作为新项目,如果客户感兴趣,那效果将会更加明显。对你们公司的印象也会更深。
The first one is the most direct way: get to know the relatively large groups in this country, and to check whether they run related industry through About Us or group companies, Industry and so on. If they are famous, you can search on Baidu. Complicated as it is, but the same as China, if they are large groups, their business certainly across all walks of life. If it happens to be a counterpart of the company, then their purchase volume is relatively considerable. You will have stable cooperation partnership if they just to carry out the business. Many of the cases are that they don’t run our products but if you can find the key person, recommending them as a new project, there will be more obvious effect once they are interested in it. Furthermore, you’ll leave deep impression on him.
The second more effective way is to find the brands which run similar products. In many cases we are confined to a thinking of focusing on our own products, but we must understand that not all products of one big company are the most famous. Hence, we just focus on small market once we limit ourselves, furthermore, related brands can be easily found among massive products. Lots of customers don’t run our products but some may prepare for it for long time, or just plan to start it and this time, you will greatly push forward the pace of their development. On this occasion, due to the least competitors, the possibility of cooperation will be greatly increased.
There is no defined method indeed. You must find more effective way as long as you keep summarizing in the process of following up with customers.