1. 在工作中,邮件是一个必不可少的沟通工具,同时也是判断你的工作能力的一个途径,因为你永远不知道谁可能会读到你的电子邮件。因此学会写一封专业的商务邮件至关重要。对于英文邮件而言,除了和中文邮件一样需要遵循基本的商务邮件写作的原则和礼仪之外,还需要注意以下几点:
○ 商务英语邮件书写的核心是沟通,其次才是英语
○ 仅仅把问题用英语表达清楚在工作中是远远不够的
○ 同一个意思不同的表达方式后果会千差万别
○ 需要了解不同的沟通习惯——比如在英文邮件中会经常使用公司内部的常见缩写
○ 需要考虑到沟通双方的文化背景——比如在跨过沟通中要了解外国人的休假时不工作的习惯,紧急的事情在对方休假前尽可能找到对方及时解决
2. 快速回复邮件的常用说法
○ 场景一:告知发件人收到了TA的信息你会采取相应的行动来跟进
§ Well received, I will follow up to take actions accordingly. Will keep you updated.(较正式)
§ Got it. Will follow up and keep you posted.(简洁)
§ I will take care of it and let you know once it is done.(简洁)
§ Got you. Will take actions and update you the progress.(简洁)
○ 场景二:简单明了告诉别人采取行动
§ Hi Jack, could you please help on check with Lily to support this case? (简洁)
§ Hi Jack, please check with Jack about this case. (简洁)
§ Hi Jack, follow up with Lily on this case. (领导对下属)
○ 场景三:表示自己同意或确认
§ Sure I am OK with it.
§ It works for me.
§ Fine with me.
§ Confirm.
3. 写长邮件的基本技巧和注意事项
○ 专业而有吸引力的标题
§ 标题能高度概括邮件内容——方便收件人快速知道邮件信息和后续邮件的搜索整理
§ 标题能说明沟通目的
§ 标题有吸引力
○ 逻辑清晰重点突出的内容
4. 用好这些词让邮件沟通更高效
○ 明确行动和责任归属的词
§ The support team should own this case.
§ I will drive the project landing
§ I will hold you accountable for the whole project.
○ 推动事情进展
§ I will push the vendor harder to speed up.
§ Could you please expedite to fix the issue.
§ We have to accelerate the progress of contract sign off.
○ 告知事情进展
§ I would like to inform you that we have just complete the task.
§ I will keep you updated.
§ I will share the progress with you.
○ 凝聚团队力量
§ Sales team needs to closely collaborate with service team to drive value selling.
§ We can partner with marketing team to identify the white space market.
§ Let's cooperate with our customers to achieve greater success.
○ 调动资源
§ Tom knows how to orchestrate the resources to achieve his goals.
§ You can leverage the finance team's support to get this done.
The case needs to be escalated to the next level manager.