
Got to give it up(三)

2017-10-30  本文已影响4人  敢敢宝宝

[4] Not obviously. Opioid overdoses are killing more white males than any other group. But heavy drinking seems to be increasing most not among
middle-aged whites, but the elderly and certain minority groups. Over the period measured by the JAMA study, the prevalence of alcoholism among Americans over 65 jumped 107%, though from a low base. Among black Americans it rose 93%: a larger share of blacks than whites are now considered to suffer from alcoholism. Women are also hitting the bottle harder. Whereas 5% of women were found to meet the criteria for alcoholism in 2001-02, in 2012-13 that number rose to 9%.
[5] Previous studies suggest that Americans who drink heavily tend to drink very heavily indeed. Analysis by Phillip Cook, a professor at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy, published in 2007 suggested that whereas 30% of Americans did not drink at all in 2001-02, 10% of Americans—orabout24m—had an average often drinks a day. He believes such habits would not look different today.

prevalence n. 流行;普遍;广泛
hit the bottle 酗酒

After she died ,he started to hit the bottle.
He began to hit the bottle soon after her divorce.


不是很明显。阿片类药物过量杀死的男性白人比其他群体要多。然而,重度饮酒似乎在中年白人当中不是增加最多的,反而是老年人和某些少数名族。在JAMA的研究中,尽管65岁以上的美国人基数小,但是在这个年龄段的酗酒率增长了107%。对于美国黑人来说,酗酒率增长了93%。现在,黑人的酗酒比例超过了白人。女人也酗酒严重。在2001年至2002年,有5%的女性被发现符合酒精中毒的标准,但在2012 - 13年,这一数字上升到9%。
以前的研究表明,酗酒的美国人往往喝得很厉害。菲利普·库克是杜克大学桑福德公共政策学院的一名教授,他在2007年发表的一份研究报告中指出,在2001 - 2002年,30%的美国人不喝酒,10%(大约2400万)的美国人平均每天喝一杯。他相信这样的习惯与今天的没有什么不同。

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