
2017-05-21  本文已影响0人  YeaWhatever
Believing in religion makes a easier life. Thus people don't have to explore their own world view, and the reason why they should believe it. No need to suffer anymore because they are told what to believe and what to do, and the reason is "God says it". So the agnostic or the athiest who has religious parents and being taught religion since young is very brave. They choose to live in their own style. Rather than merely exist, they live. But I am good too. Even born in a non-religious family, I have explored and am always exploring the religions and the non-religions. I think believing or not, or believing in what you create by yourself really matters a lot in everyday life. It decides your mindset, your behavior, your emotions. That is good, people believing in religion. Easy life, so what. I don't judge them. Although I don't have the whole package, meaning the mind and the life style, I truly adore them. 

Love is such an illusion, strong and intense and constant and unstoppable. On one hand, I'm sick of intimacy, on the other hand, I really want to know what will happen next and next and next, as if it's someone's life, not mine nevertheless. It seems to me merely a novel. Whether it ends, or it lasts, its core has never changed-- a story. I'm a story collector, so when I tell others about this, I will say "she".
Don't try to be someone you are not. Sexy or plain, attractive or dull, interesting or boring, be comfortable with it.
I want a café without music.

Now I realized I always want sth on my mind, in order to forget the external anxiety. Sometimes it's God sometimes a boy sometimes a piece of music.
The relationship with the world can affect my energy. To truly accept everyone, their differences, and to learn from them, means a lot to me. The interaction is amazing.
自己当自己的role model,不用模仿别人。
It amazes me that you will think differently when wearing differently. 
How about, follow my impulse, and don't think about the objective and the consequences at all!
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