Optical Flow
Video and Motion
A video is a sequence of frames captured over time
Now our image data is a function of space (x, y) and time (t)
Sometimes, motion is the only cue
Even “impoverished” motion data can evoke a strong percept
Motion Estimation: Optical Flow
Problem Define
How to estimate the motion of pixels from image I(x, y, t) to I(x, y, t+1)
Key Assumption:
• color constancy:
– a point in I(x,y,t) looks the same in I(x,y,t+1)
– For grayscale images, this is brightness constancy
• small motion:
– Points do not move very far
Then we can obtain the optical flow constrains:
Brightness Constancy Constraint (equation):
Small Motion: (u and v are less than 1 pixel, or smooth):
Taylor series expansion of I:
Combining the two equations, we have:
In the limit as u and v go to zero, this becomes exact:
Brightness constancy constraint equation
How many equations and unknowns per pixel?
there is only one equation, but two unknows(u, v)
How to get more equations for a pixel?
Use spatial coherence constraint.
Spatial Coherence Constraint(equation):
Assum the pixel's neighbors have the same(u, v)
if we use a 5x5 window, then we can get 25 equations per pixel:
Least squares solution for d given by:
When is this solvable?
if ATA is not invertible, will render Aperture Problem
Criteria for Harris Corner Detector!!!
Errors in Lucas-Kanade
A point does not move like its neighbors
Motion segmentation
Brightness constancy does not hold
Do exhaustive neighborhood search with normalized correlation -tracking features – maybe SIFT – more later….
The motion is large (larger than a pixel)
Not-linear: Iterative refinement
Local minima: coarse-to-fine estimation
Revisiting the small motion assumption
Is this motion small enough?
Probably not—it’s much larger than one pixel
How might we solve this problem?
Coarse-to-fine optical estimation