2008年文章和马伊琍结婚,因为马伊琍比文章大9岁,再加上文章那句“我此生最幸福的事情就是我的女人叫马伊琍”的名言,曾感动了无数人。但是曾经的誓言在2013年梦碎。当时马伊琍怀上了二胎,本是幸福的好事,却爆出了文章出轨姚笛。2014年3月文章承认出轨并道歉,称自己咎由自取(have brought this upon myself),愿日后再不负人,随后马伊琍也发表微博,写下“恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜”。
英国媒体BBC当时将马伊琍微博留言“恋爱虽易,婚姻不易,且行且珍惜 ”翻译为:"Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished."
On Sunday, well-known Chinese actor Wen Zhang announced on Sina Weibo that he had divorced actress Ma Yili, causing a sensation on the internet.
cause a sensation on the internet 在网络上引起了轰动
Wen also expressed his sorrow and affection in a post written in classical Chinese and declared that he would consider Ma a family member for the rest of his life given that they were married for more than a decade and have two children.
Wen's marriage put him under the limelight. Wen married Ma in 2008 when he was 24 years old and Ma was in her 30s. This big-sister-and-little-brother relationship was the talk of the town back then. Wen became an increasingly popular actor in China due to his role in hit TV series Naked Wedding and the film Love is Not Blind in 2011, which were both about romantic relationships.
the talk of the town 热门话题;满城风雨的谈资
Naked Wedding 《裸婚时代》
Love is Not Blind 《失恋33天》
He embraced this golden time in his career, and audiences were looking forward to more works from him. However, his career soon slammed to a halt when it was revealed he was having an extramarital affair with actress Yao Di in 2014 while his wife was pregnant with their second child.
his career soon slammed to a halt 他的事业戛然而止
have an extramarital affair with 和某人有婚外遇
After Wen announced the divorce, Ma posted on Sina Weibo two minutes later: "There is no right or wrongdoing in our relationship. We will be happy separately going forward in our lives".
和平分手 break up on good terms
咎由自取 have brought this upon myself
分道扬镳 go part ways
出轨 Have an affair with another woman / Cheat on his wife / Cheat with another woman
公开道歉 Public apology
Being in love is easy, being married is not. It is to be cherished.
Being in love is easy, being married is not. Cherish what you have at the moment.
“小三”mistress,lady friend,the other woman,home wrecker