14. Team Structure & Composi

2017-10-07  本文已影响5人  Novazyyy

1. Types of Teams:

• Quality circles

-Usually involve 6-12 employees

-Meet regularly to generate ideas that can increase productivity or product quality but usually do     not have formal authority (managers make final decision)

-Mixed evidence of success – often successful in short term but not long term

• Project teams

-Created to solve a particular problem and are disbanded after that problem is solved

• Production teams

-Front-line employees that make tangible outputs such as cars, TV’s, cell phones, etc.

-Includes autonomous work groups, where groups are micro-organizations that manage themselves.

• Virtual teams

-Widely dispersed members working together towards a common goal.

-Can interact either synchronously (at the same time) or asynchronously (at different times, such as using email).

2. advantage of virtual team :

Saving time and travel expenses

Providing increased access to experts

Expanding labor markets by allowing firms to recruit and retain the best employees regardless of location

Opportunity to assign members to multiple teams

3. challenge of virtual team :

Because virtual team members cannot benefit from social and nonverbal cues when getting to know each other, the process of developing cohesion is slowed.1

Team members are often more concerned with logistics and task requirements than building relationships.

Members may not be aware of the cultural differences between them, making it difficult for them to establish strong relationships.

The resistance of managers was a primary obstacle to the expansion of virtual teams.

4. Communication helps performance

Teams that share little information with each other and communicate very infrequently tend to perform more poorly than teams with more free-flowing communication.

5. communication form

Centralized forms of communication are effective when teams are performing tasks that are relatively simple and have few coordination requirements.

Decentralization, however, tends to facilitate performance when a team is working on highly complex tasks or tasks that have high coordination requirements.

6. the Big 5 Personality Traits



Neuroticism (emotional stability)



7. cognitive ability of team members has a strong, positive relationship with team performance

8. Teams with more positive affect were found to provide higher levels of service to customers in a retail environment.

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