【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 P

2020-05-12  本文已影响0人  豚之大

【学习笔记】懂你英语 商务英语 Level 3 Unit 2 Part 3 (III)Vocabulary: Organizing Your Emails

inbox  收件箱

The emails you receive are kept in your inbox.【跟读】

To organize your inbox, you can create folders for different emails.【填空】

Otherwise, you may lose track of your emails.

His inbox is full of junk email.

I have over two thousand emails in my inbox right now.【填空】【朗读】

starred email  星标邮件

Starred emails are emails that have been marked as important.【填空】

You can also mark your emails with different colors.

Labeling your emails allows you to find them easily.

This email is labeled with a yellow star.【跟读】

She labeled emails from her business partners with different colors.【朗读】

draft   草稿

A draft is an email that has not been completed.

As you write an email, it is usually saved as a draft automatically.

This prevents you from losing the email accidentally.

You can also save your email as a draft and edit it later.

He saved his unfinished email as a draft.【跟读】

Proofread the draft before you send it.

【选择】-What can prevent you from losing an email accidently?    -Saving it as a draft.

【选择】-Lebelling your emails allows you to...     find them easily.

outbox   待发箱

An outbox is where emails are stored before you send them.

Sometimes an email will be stuck in the outbox and won't send.【填空】

This often happens because the email contains a file that is too large to send.

A message might stay in your outbox if your computer is offline.【填空】

I thought I sent the email, but it was stuck in the outbox.

【选择】-Why may an Email become stuck in your outbox?     -It contains too large file

spam  垃圾邮件

Spam is unwanted emails sent to a large number of people.

They are often sent to advertise something or even spread malware.

So be careful when opening spam emails.

Email service providers often try to block spam.

Reporting suspicious emails to your service provider can reduce the amount of spam you receive.【填空】

His computer got hacked after he opened a spam email.

If you think an email is spam, don't open it.【跟读】


trash  垃圾箱

When you delete an email, it will be moved to the trash.

In general, emails remain in the trash for 30 days.

So you can still recover a recently deleted email if you need it.【填空】

He emptied his trash folder.

He recovered an email he accidentally deleted.【跟读】

【选择】-What is the purpose of having a trash folder?    -to store or recover deleted emails.

【选择】-Why should you be careful when opening spam emails?    -They may contain malware.(malware 恶意软件) 

【选图】-What can help you keep track of important emails?   -Starred

【选图】-Where will an email be moved to after it is deleted?  -Trash

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