问答《帕纳索斯山》之二 Q&A for The Parnassu

2020-02-01  本文已影响0人  NICOLA熠林


This is the 2nd biligual Q&A by Nicola the Editor for Renaissance artworks, the 3rd ever published.


About Raphael: one of the three Master artists of Renaissance


About "The Parnassus": home for the literary and artistic saints


Q: Who's Raphael, or Raffaello Sazio?


A: I had written a serial about his artworks as well as this artwork in 2016, which can be found here.


Q: You have talked about the masters of the Parnassus. What would you like to talk about in this volume?

答:这次来看看莎孚。其中一位缪斯女神右手持的纸上写着莎孚的名字。莎孚是古希腊著名的女诗人。我2015年就写过关于她的1. 中英文介绍和2.译过她的诗。

A: Let's see Sappho, the famous ancient Greek poetress. The name "Sappho" on the paper held by one of the Muses, indicates the famous poetess Sappho of the ancient Greece.

《帕纳索斯山》 | The Parnassus


Q: So you are cooking the dish of 2015 in this volume?


A: Why not, if you think such? I just want to share my thoughts and her nice poems over 2000 years ago, quite far from Chinese readers both in time and geographically. With both her literature achievement as well as feast of teaching the girls at her time, Sappho definitely deserves Raphael's reverence by  showing her name here.

手持写有莎孚名字的缪斯 | One of the Muses holding a paper written with Sappho


In my writing of 2015, I wanted to bring broader thinking perspectives in terms with time and space. Don't just judge. We need think and question, esp. at times of fears and rumours. And I also found the source for the term "black swan" in Europe's history.


The following is the English version of Sappho's poem and my Chinese version translated in 2015.

由Jim Powell翻译的古希腊女诗人莎孚的诗的英文版,以及我从Powell的英文版翻译出来的中文版

英文版使用已获Jim Powell本人批准。

The citation of the English version of this poem has been permitted in writing by the translator Jim Powell.

Jim Powell许可我引用其英文版译文The Anactoria Poem


Q: It mentions Helen who eloped to Troy. This is a romantismt poem.


A: Choice between personal affection and his/ her social role can be very difficult. The romance of Helen is associated with the wars among ancient Greek states. The daily scenarios for such difficult choices are love affairs, nepotism etc.


A: It is a matter of taking and giving up. The higher position a person is in, the more s/he is required to refrain from his/her personal desires.


A: Indeed. We make choices every day. The abdication of Edward VIII for Ms. Simpson is a clear and responsible choice between his obligation, responsibility and his personal affection. BTW, I want to hardsell my book "The Elegance in Colours and Lines: Botticelli's Masterpieces". (Please click https://read.douban.com/ebook/129388435/). No App download needed. Critics after reading is much welcome.

参考书目 / Bibliography

-《爱的艺术》(The Art of Loving), Erich Fromm,上海译文出版社,2011年

-Academy of American Poets, www.poets.org

-《欧洲史》,Aldebert et al.,海南出版社,2000年

-《教养—关于历史、文学、艺术、音乐、哲学与世界风俗文化,你必须知道的事》,(德)迪特瑞希·史汪尼兹 著,刘锐、刘雨生 译。台北,商周出版社,2007.8(Bildung. Alles, was man wissen muss, by Dietrich Schwanitz, 1999 Eichborn AG, Frankfurt, Germany)

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