
2021-12-12  本文已影响0人  Guangchao

1. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


Dizi is the traditional Han instrument in China. About 4,000 years ago, people began to make Dizi with the material of natural bamboos in the Yellow River valley where bamboos grow in abundance, which is why Dizi is also named “bamboo Dizi”. Choosing bamboo as the material marked a great progress in Dizi making. Firstly, compared to bone, bamboo has better resonance which will make Dizi sound clearer; secondly, it is easy to process. With a strong Chinese national characteristic, Bamboo Dizi in a very range of varieties spreads widely across the country and is usually used in Chinese folk music, Chinese opera as well as the modern Chinese orchestra. It enjoys great popularity among folks because it’s easy to make and portable to carry with.

2. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

水墨画(ink wash painting)是国画的代表,指纯用水墨所作的画作。相传其始于唐代,盛于宋元,近代以来续有发展。水墨画讲求“以形写神”,追求一种“妙在似与不似之间”的感觉。其色彩单调但意境丰富,能给人留下很大的遐想空间。基本作品只有黑白两色,早期题材以山水风景为主。彩色的水墨画在近代的水墨动画中广为应用,其中最经典是《小蝌蚪(Tadpole)找妈妈》。

As a representative of traditional Chinese painting, ink wash painting refers to the painting made only with ink and water. It is said that the form was created initially in the Tang Dynasty, flourished in the Song and Yuan Dynasties, and continues to develop in modern times. It particularly “paints spirits by its forms” and is intended to pursue a kind of sense “between likeness and unlikeness”. Despite the monotonous colour, ink wash painting is rich in artistic conception, which provides people with infinite space to imagine. Its basic works have only black and white early, with their early themes mainly being mountain and water landscape. Colorful ink painting has been widely applied to ink animations in recent times, among which the most classic is “Little Tadpoles Look for Their Mother”.

3. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

内卷(involution)是自去年以来就热度不减的网络流行语。该词原指一类文化模式达到了某种最终的形态以后,既无法稳定下来,也无法转变为新的形态,只能不断地在内部变得更加复杂的现象。经网络流传,内卷现指同行间竞相付出更多努力以争夺有限资源,从而导致个体“收益努力比”(“income effort ratio”)下降的现象。很多学生与职工用其来指代非理性的内部竞争或“被自愿”竞争。无论是在工作中或是生活中,我们每一个人都应当有意识地避免陷入内卷,减少内卷造成的浪费和伤害。

Involution is a network buzzword that has been gaining increasing popularity since last year. It originally means the phenomenon that a cultural pattern can neither stabilize nor evolve into a new form after finally reaching a certain form, but can only become increasingly complicated internally. Spreading on the Internet, the word now refers to the phenomenon that people competitively make more efforts to fight for limited resources among peers, which leads to the decline of individual “income effort ratio”. It is also used to refer to irrational internal or “passively voluntary” competition among students and employees. Whether in our work or life, we should consciously avoid falling into involution and reduce the waste and harm caused by it.

4. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

楷书(regular script),是汉字书法中常见的一种手写字体风格。《辞海》一书中解释说它“形体方正,笔画(stroke)平直,可作楷模”。其始于汉末,通行至现代,长盛不衰。楷书由隶书(clerical script)逐渐演变而来。隶书过去多在竹简(bamboo slips)上书写,书写难度大且使用范围小。而更趋简化的楷书随着纸张的大规模使用,书写变得更加容易,并且使用的场景也更加多样。由于书写效率得以提高,这种便利性对政治经济社会的发展也起到了不小的促进和推动作用。

Regular script is a common handwriting style in Chinese calligraphy. According to Cihai, it is “square in shapes, straight in strokes as a model of calligraphy”. It was first created in the late Han Dynasty and widely used with enduring popularity to this day. Regular script evolves gradually from clerical script which was mostly written on bamboo slips in the past and difficult to write with a narrow range of usage. In contrast, with the large-scale use of paper, the more simplified regular script becomes easier to write and its scenes used are also more various. Due to the improvement of writing efficiency, the convenience it brings also plays a significant role in promoting the development of politics, economy and society.

5. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.


Lychee, whose history can date back to the Han Dynasty, more than 2,000 years ago, is native to south China. It has pink-red and roughly textured peel which can not be eat; its pulp is sweet, nutritious but tough to store. Our ancestors have already realized that lychee should be picked up with its branch cut off together, because only in this way can it remains fresh for a long while. As early as the Tang Dynasty, in order to serve Yang Guifei the selected fresh lychee, Emperor Xuanzong arranged couriers with swift horses to send lychee from Lingnan to Chang’an. Nowadays, with the progress of technology, the well-developed transportation and the widely-applied refrigeration ensure that it is not a luxury any more to enjoy fresh and delicious lychee.

6. Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

虚拟现实技术(Virtual Reality),是20世纪发展起来的一项全新的实用技术。所谓虚拟现实,就是虚拟和现实相互结合。从理论上来讲,虚拟现实技术是一种可以用于创建和体验虚拟世界的计算机仿真系统。它利用计算机生成一种模拟环境,实现用户与该环境直接进行自然交互。虚拟现实技术受到了越来越多人的认可,因为用户可以在虚拟现实世界体验到最真实的感受,让人有种身临其境的感觉。随着社会生产力和科技的不断发展,各行各业对VR技术的需求日益旺盛。尤其是在影视娱乐业,VR技术得到了广泛应用。

Virtual Reality (VR) is a brand-new practical technology developed in the 20th century. The so-called VR is the combination of virtuality and reality. Theoretically, VR is a computer simulation system that can be used to create and experience a virtual world. By use of the computer, it generates a simulated environment with which users are able to interact conveniently and naturally. VR has been recognized by more and more people, because it offers users the most immersive experience as if they were in the real world. With the continuous development of social productivity and technology, the demand for VR is increasing in various industries. Especially in the video entertainment industry, VR has been widely used.

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