
2019-07-19  本文已影响0人  小金刚葫芦妹


Add/stages changes/files 批量修改、添加、删除

git add -A //stages all changes
git add . //stages new files and modifications, without deletions
git add -u //stages modifications and deletions, without new files

Visual studio code

git graph是一个不错的扩展。安装完成后,可以从底部状态栏打开图表视图。


Creating an environment with R with \color{red}{Conda}

module load conda
module list
conda --version
conda list
#Create a new conda environment with all the r-essentials conda packages built from CRAN:
 #  Only do this the first time
conda create -n r_env r-essentials r-base
source activate r_env #  activate this environment

# run R script
Rscript testr.r
# run R script background and save screen print to txt 
R CMD BATCH test.r output.txt &

source deactivate #  deactivate an active environment,

Creating an environment with Python with \color{red}{Conda}

# To see a list of available python versions first
conda search "^python$"
#Create a new conda environment with Python 3.7.4
 #  Only do this the first time
conda create -n py_en python=3.7.4
#  activate this environment
source activate py_en
#Install additional Python packages to a virtual environment.
conda install -n yourenvname [package]
#  deactivate this environment
source deactivate

conda virtual environment
conda info --envs

conda 安装R packages命令:

conda install -c r r-dplyr
conda install -c r rstudio

  1. Download and install Anaconda.
  2. Create a new conda environment with all the r-essentials conda packages built from CRAN:
    conda create -n r_env r-essentials r-base
  3. Activate the environment:
    conda activate r_env
  4. List the packages in the environment:
    conda list

To activate / deactivate an active environment

To activate this environment, use:
source activate r_env
To deactivate an active environment, use:
source deactivate

Linux commands

monitor jobs
View user's usage top #
View my usage top -u userID

save print history > history_print.txt


// upgrading pip 
pip install --upgrade pip
//install package 
pip install itchat 


How to Edit Chinese in Lyx

  1. Create New document
    1.1 File -> New
  2. Set Language
    2.1 Document -> Settings -> Language
    2.2 Language: Chinese (simplified); Encoding: Other: Unicode (CJK) (utf8)
  3. Enjoy Chinese Typing
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