
2021-08-04  本文已影响0人  良晨goodmorning

1,Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the presidens residence. 考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。

2,Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside. 除了这一面外我还考虑了内外两面。

3,It’s evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin. 很明显,邪恶的魔鬼必然灭亡。

4,In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing the shoes. 在公司里同伴陪着我直到我完成擦鞋(任务)。

5,I prepare to compare the two comparable parallel companies. 我准备比较那两个可比较的类似的公司。

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