
2020-04-14  本文已影响0人  YAN_tdlorang


1. pretzels 卷饼

2. internet 两个读音

3. shopping pin

4. clothes clothz

5. okay. we need a case of soda 连读

6. jazz chants [dʒæz tʃænts] 节奏韵律 热身

7. small talk 闲谈;聊天

8. a case of soda 是多少?

six pack 6 件打包出售

9. kinda, sorta, outta, get outta here

10. 可拉倒吧

A: 你都长成一个美女子啦

B:shut up/get outta here

11. 不请自来

he came uninvited. he shows up uninvited. Eric crashed the party. 


12. 自找苦吃


you're inviting trouble.

you're asking for trouble.

XX 日记,可能是自找麻烦。

XX diary invites criticism. XX日记招致了批评。

13. a laundry list of 一长串的理由

14. 能刷卡吗?

Do you take credit card?

15. XX 实在太棒了

kick ass

mouth watering 垂涎三尺


I can eat the whole thing

to die for 爱死了

The book is to die for


The food is to die for

I'd kill for this

16. 饮料/酒水怎么说

soft drink 软饮

soda pop 汽水;可乐;雪碧 (通常直接用soda)

beverage 饮料

do you drink? 你喝酒吗?

I'd like to buy your drink. 我请你喝杯酒。

BYOB: buy your own bombs/bottle 自带酒

That's a BYOB party. 

I'm gonna throw a BYOB party. 搞个聚会



17. collective noun

18. not XX at all 压根不是XX

19. do ya like Internet? ya 可以弱到听不到

20. give you some slack 放某人一马

21. 喜欢/不喜欢

 to die for 

I'd kill

the movie I'd kill. 我爱死这部电影了.

big fan of

sth is not to my liking

the cloth is not to my liking

the gift is not to my liking

the cake is not to my liking

the book is not to my liking

the actor is not to my liking

she is not my thing/cup of tea/type

she is not my cup of tea 不是我的那杯茶/不是我喜欢的

she is not what I'm looking for

what are you looking for in a girfriend?你会找什么样的女朋友

22. 这很容易学会

the Internet is for everyone.

人们用CC-Talk 学习,但我不会

you can learn it instantly. 

accessible 容易

sth is accessible 容易

is a breeze

Learning coding is not a breeze. 学代码可不简单 

The personal information is accessible online. 个人信息是很容易在网上得到的


The use of phone is quite intuitive today. 现在手机的使用是很简单的


23. 年轻人

young people 


Okay, millennials [mɪˈlɛniəl] 千禧年 80/20

Okay, bommer 爷爷奶奶那个年代的人


24. 你在说啥?没明白对方意思

what are you talking about?

you've lost me 不知道你在说什么

it's all Greek to me 对我来说,都是火星文字

Just to clarify....double check

are you saying that

correct me if I'm wrong


can you say that again

could you repeat that, please?

25. 我年纪大了, 这个肯定学不会 (老年人很难适应新事物)

new tricks

old dog

you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

you know how people say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

it's true.

人们总是说, 你不能教一条老狗新的把戏


that's an element true in that.

couldn't agree more

couldn't be true

it's hard to master, but it's easy to get the hang of it if you put time and effort in.

26. 如何拒绝,不直接说NO

not really

I'm good. 

I'm not here for shoppin

I'm just looking around

I'm bored to stick 无聊死了

I'm just browzing. 随便逛逛


the movie is supber, right?

not really. I'm afraid of /I don't think/ maybe, it is not to my liking 不是我喜欢的

it is not my type

27. 买到就是赚到 钱花的值

it’s so cheap

it's bargaining

it's steal

if you buy them now, you get your money's worth

28. 7折

30 percent off  7折

a pair of jeans 一条牛仔裤


three pairs of jeans

pair 复数 pair/pairs

29. 口语和句式特点

is that your sister?

the tall woman in front of the jackets

相对写作, 短句多

30. found 的主语


she found the work very dull


lots of women I know find him attractive


I found them quite easy to use


Hyperactive children found it difficult to concentrate. 


her 18 birthday found her alone at home


his 18 birthday found him practing English with Eric in the morning.


the begining of 2020 saw a difficulty basically for everyone.


31. 表达的细节,你能注意到吗?比如,sure

sure 显得了冷漠

sure thing

for sure/sure thing

of course 慎用,当然知道的,生气/开玩笑

Till next time 后悔有期


