
2019-06-04  本文已影响0人  乐琴回来了

Today, we talk about 6 Rules:

1.We have 3 strong sounds ( S N L ) and 3 weak sounds ( d t th ).Three strong sounds can cancel three weak sounds.For example:

→  the "n" of the word "couldn't" can cancel "d" and "t" ,and the pronunciation is c'n.

→  Don't sweat it ! The "n" can cancel "t"Don' sweat it.

2. "you" has 3 pronunciations: yuh, yoo, yah.

3."doing".We can say doin, doing, and

4.I'm going to = I'm gonna or

5. "I had a long week." The "h" is gone,and that is "I ad a long week."

6.Add "w" to the words. Such as:

I do away with my hat. ——> I do (w)away with my hat.

Do it over.——>Do (w)it over.

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