This quote, from an American well-known newscaster, used a striking metaphor to illustrate what can happen when adversity threaten to overwhelm. At first, adversity may seem like the enemy. Daunting obstacles can doom us before we even undertake a task, but Brinkley suggests that challenges can actually hand us the building blocks for success. He uses the metaphor of bricks because they can be seen, in one of two ways, as something that can knock you down or a tool to help you build something strong.
If we view adversity as something that will defeat us, it will. But if we see challenges as opportunities to sharpen our focus and feed our passion, they can do that as well. More and more, psychologists are discovering that the most successful people in life share one key quality --- grit, in other words, the ability to persevere in the face of adversity. In fact, it's this quality that may determine future success more than natural-born talent, intelligence or attractiveness. And even better, anyone can develop their grit. It's just a matter of knowing you can.
So the next time you're feeling down or overwhelmed, remembered that everything you think is blocking your path may actually be helping you to achieve your goals.