influxdb的高可用层最初由influxdata创建提出,但之后不再维护。其架构图如下:其中负载设备(load Balancer)可以通过nginx对于读请求直接转发到inflxudb,对于写请求转发到relay。可以通过IP地址转发,也可以通过域名来转发.
name ="example-http"
bind-addr =""
# Array of InfluxDB instances to use as backends for Relay.
output = [
# name: name of the backend, used for display purposes only.
# location: full URL of the /write endpoint of the backend
# timeout: Go-parseable time duration. Fail writes if incomplete in this time.
{ name="local1", location="", timeout="10s"},
{ name="local2", location="", timeout="10s"},
# Name of the UDP server, used for display purposes only.
name ="example-udp"
# UDP address to bind to.
bind-addr =""
# Socket buffer size for incoming connections.
read-buffer = 0# default
# Precision to use for timestamps
precision ="n"# Can be n, u, ms, s, m, h
# Array of InfluxDB instances to use as backends for Relay.
output = [
# name: name of the backend, used for display purposes only.
# location: host and port of backend.
# mtu: maximum output payload size
{ name="local1", location="", mtu=512 },
{ name="local2", location="", mtu=1024 },
运行 >> nohup ./influxdb-relay -config relay.toml &
测试 >> curl -i -XPOST 'http://localhost:9096/write?db=testDB' --data-binary 'cpu_load_short,host=server01,region=us-west value=0.67'
relay只配置[[http]]选项的场景: bind-addr是强绑定(只能通过指定的IP访问,localhost对应127.0.0.1)
relay只配置[[http]]选项的场景: bind-addr是强绑定(只能通过指定的IP访问,localhost对应127.0.0.1)