通过空间行为(optimal transport)推断空间细胞间

2023-02-22  本文已影响0人  单细胞空间交响乐

作者,Evil Genius


分享文章Screening cell-cell communication in spatial transcriptomics via collective optimal transport, 2023年1月发表于nature methods。


网页示例在COMMOT — commot 0.0.3 documentation



  • non-spatial studies often contain significant false positives given that CCC takes place only within limited spatial distances that are not measured in scRNA-seq datasets


  • CellPhoneDB v3 restricts interactions to cell clusters in the same microenvironment defined based on spatial information;
  • stLearn relates the co-expression of ligand and receptor genes to the spatial diversity of cell types;
  • SVCA and MISTy use probabilistic and machine learning models, respectively, to identify the spatially constrained intercellular gene–gene interactions;
  • NCEM fits a function to relate cell type and spatial context to gene expression。

current methods examine CCC locally and on cell pairs independently, and focus on information between cells or in the neighborhoods of individual cells. As a result,
collective or global information in CCC, such as competition between cells, is neglected.

a package that infers CCC by simultaneously considering numerous ligand–receptor pairs for either spatial transcriptomics data or spatially annotated scRNA-seq data equipped with spatial distances between cells estimated from paired spatial imaging data; summarizes and compares directions of spatial signaling; identifies downstream effects of CCC on gene expressions using ensemble of trees models; and provides visualization utilities for the various analyses.


配体和受体通常在有限的空间范围内与多种复合物相互作用。考虑到这一点,作者提出了具有三个重要特征的collective optimal transport:首先,the use of non-probability mass distributions to control the marginals of the transport plan to maintain comparability between species(需要一点数学背景知识);其次,对CCC实施空间距离约束,以避免连接空间上相距较远的细胞;最后,将多种配体分布结合到多中受体分布以解释多种相互作用


文章给到的分析示例1(human epidermal development)




pip install commot
import commot as ct
import scanpy as sc
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
adata = sc.datasets.visium_sge(sample_id='V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Posterior')
sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, inplace=True)
Specify ligand-receptor pairs

Here, we use an example with only three LR pairs.
A user-defined LR database can be specified in the same way or alternatively, built-in LR databases can be obtained with the function commot.pp.ligand_receptor_database().
For example df_ligrec=ct.pp.ligand_receptor_database(database='CellChat', species='mouse').

LR=np.array([['Tgfb1', 'Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2', 'Tgfb_pathway'],
    ['Tgfb2', 'Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2', 'Tgfb_pathway'],
    ['Tgfb3', 'Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2', 'Tgfb_pathway'],
    ['Fgf1', 'Fgfr1', 'FGF_pathway'],
    ['Fgf1', 'Fgfr2', 'FGF_pathway']],dtype=str)
df_ligrec = pd.DataFrame(data=LR)

Use optimal transport to construct CCC networks for the ligand-receptor pairs with a spatial distance constraint of 500um (coupling between cells with distance greater than 500 is prohibited). 这里的距离限制在500um以内。
For example, the spot-by-spot matrix for the pair Tgfb1 (ligand) and Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2 (receptor)is stored in adata.obsp['commot-user_database-Tgfb1-Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2']. The total sent or received signal for each pair is stored in adata.obsm['commot-user_database-sum-sender'] and adata.obsm['commot-user_database-sum-receiver'].

ct.tl.spatial_communication(adata,database_name='user_database', df_ligrec=df_ligrec, dis_thr=500, heteromeric=True, pathway_sum=True)
#Plot the amount of sent and received signal, for example, of the LR pair Fgf1-Fgfr1.
pts = adata.obsm['spatial']
s = adata.obsm['commot-user_database-sum-sender']['s-Fgf1-Fgfr1']
r = adata.obsm['commot-user_database-sum-receiver']['r-Fgf1-Fgfr1']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10,4))
ax[0].scatter(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], c=s, s=5, cmap='Blues')
ax[1].scatter(pts[:,0], pts[:,1], c=r, s=5, cmap='Reds')
ct.tl.communication_direction(adata, database_name='user_database', lr_pair=('Fgf1','Fgfr1'), k=5)
ct.pl.plot_cell_communication(adata, database_name='user_database', lr_pair=('Fgf1','Fgfr1'), plot_method='grid', background_legend=True,
    scale=0.00003, ndsize=8, grid_density=0.4, summary='sender', background='image', clustering='leiden', cmap='Alphabet',
    normalize_v = True, normalize_v_quantile=0.995)
ct.pl.plot_cell_communication(adata, database_name='user_database', lr_pair=('Fgf1','Fgfr1'), plot_method='grid', background_legend=True,
    scale=0.00003, ndsize=8, grid_density=0.4, summary='receiver', background='summary', clustering='leiden', cmap='Reds',
    normalize_v = True, normalize_v_quantile=0.995)
import os
import gc
import ot
import pickle
import anndata
import scanpy as sc
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.stats import spearmanr, pearsonr
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import commot as ct
adata = sc.datasets.visium_sge(sample_id='V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Posterior')
adata.raw = adata
sc.pp.normalize_total(adata, inplace=True)
adata_dis500 = adata.copy()
sc.pp.highly_variable_genes(adata, min_mean=0.0125, max_mean=3, min_disp=0.5)
adata = adata[:, adata.var.highly_variable]
sc.tl.pca(adata, svd_solver='arpack')
sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=10, n_pcs=40)
sc.tl.leiden(adata, resolution=0.4)
sc.pl.spatial(adata, color='leiden')

use the CellChatDB ligand-receptor database . Only the secreted signaling LR pairs will be used.

df_cellchat = ct.pp.ligand_receptor_database(species='mouse', signaling_type='Secreted Signaling', database='CellChat')
# filter the LR pairs to keep only the pairs with both ligand and receptor expressed in at least 5% of the spots
df_cellchat_filtered = ct.pp.filter_lr_database(df_cellchat, adata_dis500, min_cell_pct=0.05)
       0              1     2                   3
0  Tgfb1  Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2  TGFb  Secreted Signaling
1  Tgfb2  Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2  TGFb  Secreted Signaling
2  Tgfb3  Tgfbr1_Tgfbr2  TGFb  Secreted Signaling
3  Tgfb1  Acvr1b_Tgfbr2  TGFb  Secreted Signaling
4  Tgfb1  Acvr1c_Tgfbr2  TGFb  Secreted Signaling

Now perform spatial communication inference for these 250 ligand-receptor pairs with a spatial distance limit of 500. CellChat database considers heteromeric units. The signaling results are stored as spot-by-spot matrices in the obsp slots. For example, the score for spot i signaling to spot j through the LR pair can be retrieved from adata_dis500.obsp['commot-cellchat-Wnt4-Fzd4_Lrp6'][i,j].

    database_name='cellchat', df_ligrec=df_cellchat_filtered, dis_thr=500, heteromeric=True, pathway_sum=True)


Determine the spatial direction of a signaling pathway, for example, the PSAP pathway. The interpolated signaling directions for where the signals are sent by the spots and where the signals received by the spots are from are stored in adata_dis500.obsm['commot_sender_vf-cellchat-PSAP'] and adata_dis500.obsm['commot_receiver_vf-cellchat-PSAP'], respectively.

ct.tl.communication_direction(adata_dis500, database_name='cellchat', pathway_name='PSAP', k=5)
ct.pl.plot_cell_communication(adata_dis500, database_name='cellchat', pathway_name='PSAP', plot_method='grid', background_legend=True,
    scale=0.00003, ndsize=8, grid_density=0.4, summary='sender', background='image', clustering='leiden', cmap='Alphabet',
    normalize_v = True, normalize_v_quantile=0.995)
Downstream analysis

Now we further examine what genes are likely differentially expressed with respect to the inferred signaling activity. tradeSeq will be used to model the DE genes. This analysis is similar to finding temporal DE genes just with the pseudotime variable replaced by the amount of received signal. Count data is needed in adata_dis500.layers['counts']

adata_dis500 = sc.read_h5ad("./adata.h5ad")
adata = sc.datasets.visium_sge(sample_id='V1_Mouse_Brain_Sagittal_Posterior')
adata_dis500.layers['counts'] = adata.X

Look for genes that are differentially expressed with respect to PSAP signaling.

df_deg, df_yhat = ct.tl.communication_deg_detection(adata_dis500,
    database_name = 'cellchat', pathway_name='PSAP', summary = 'receiver')

import pickle
deg_result = {"df_deg": df_deg, "df_yhat": df_yhat}
with open('./deg_PSAP.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
    pickle.dump(deg_result, handle, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)

Cluster the downstream genes and visualize the expression trends with respect to increased level of received signal through PSAP pathway

with open("./deg_PSAP.pkl", 'rb') as file:
    deg_result = pickle.load(file)
df_deg_clus, df_yhat_clus = ct.tl.communication_deg_clustering(df_deg, df_yhat, deg_clustering_res=0.4)
top_de_genes_PSAP = ct.pl.plot_communication_dependent_genes(df_deg_clus, df_yhat_clus, top_ngene_per_cluster=5,
    filename='./heatmap_deg_PSAP.pdf', font_scale=1.2, return_genes=True)
Plot some example signaling DE genes
X_sc = adata_dis500.obsm['spatial']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize=(15,4))
colors = adata_dis500.obsm['commot-cellchat-sum-receiver']['r-PSAP'].values
idx = np.argsort(colors)
ax[0].scatter(X_sc[idx,0],X_sc[idx,1], c=colors[idx], cmap='coolwarm', s=10)
colors = adata_dis500[:,'Ctxn1'].X.toarray().flatten()
idx = np.argsort(colors)
ax[1].scatter(X_sc[idx,0],X_sc[idx,1], c=colors[idx], cmap='coolwarm', s=10)
colors = adata_dis500[:,'Gpr37'].X.toarray().flatten()
idx = np.argsort(colors)
ax[2].scatter(X_sc[idx,0],X_sc[idx,1], c=colors[idx], cmap='coolwarm', s=10)
ax[0].set_title('Amount of received signal')
ax[1].set_title('An example negative DE gene (Ctxn1)')
ax[2].set_title('An example positive DE gene (Gpr37)')


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