Android View之DrawingCache的使用
Android View类中,有这样一组神奇的截图方法:
setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled)
1.setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled):
/** *
Enables or disables the drawing cache. When the drawing cache is enabled, the next call * to {@link #getDrawingCache()} or {@link #buildDrawingCache()} will draw the view in a * bitmap. Calling {@link #draw(} will not draw from the cache when * the cache is enabled. To benefit from the cache, you must request the drawing cache by * calling {@link #getDrawingCache()} and draw it on screen if the returned bitmap is not * null.
*/public void setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean enabled) {
mCachingFailed = false; setFlags(enabled ? DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED : 0, DRAWING_CACHE_ENABLED);
2.buildDrawingCache()&&buildDrawingCache(boolean autoScale):
*Forces the drawing cache to be built if the drawing cache is invalid.
**If you call {@link #buildDrawingCache()} manually without calling * {@link #setDrawingCacheEnabled(boolean) *setDrawingCacheEnabled(true)}, you * should cleanup the cache by calling {@link #destroyDrawingCache()} afterwards.
**Note about auto scaling in compatibility mode: When auto scaling is not enabled, * this method will create a bitmap of the same size as *this view. Because this bitmap * will be drawn scaled by the parent ViewGroup, the result on screen might show * scaling artifacts. To *avoid such artifacts, you should call this method by setting * the auto scaling to true. Doing so, however, will generate a bitmap of a *different * size than the view. This implies that your application must be able to handle this * size.
**You should avoid calling this method when hardware acceleration is enabled. If * you do not need the drawing cache bitmap, calling this *method will increase memory * usage and cause the view to be rendered in software once, thus negatively impacting * performance.
public void buildDrawingCache(boolean autoScale) {
private void buildDrawingCacheImpl(boolean autoScale) {
int width = mRight - mLeft;
int height = mBottom - mTop;
try {
bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(mResources.getDisplayMetrics(), width, height, quality); bitmap.setDensity(getResources().getDisplayMetrics().densityDpi);
if (autoScale) {
mDrawingCache = bitmap;
} else {
mUnscaledDrawingCache = bitmap;
if (opaque && use32BitCache) bitmap.setHasAlpha(false);
} catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
// If there is not enough memory to create the bitmap cache, just
// ignore the issue as bitmap caches are not required to draw the
// view hierarchy
if (autoScale) {
mDrawingCache = null;
} else {
mUnscaledDrawingCache = null;
mCachingFailed = true;
Canvas canvas;
//重点:设置bitmap到 canvas中,准备绘制
canvas = new Canvas(bitmap);