
2020-04-14  本文已影响0人  自信的马甲

1 帧结构

f=15kHz \\ T_s = \frac{1}{15000 \times 2048} ms \\ T_{slot} = 15360 \cdot T_s = 0.5ms \\ T_f=307200 \cdot T_s =10ms


1.1 Type1 帧结构

Subslot number 0 1 2 3 4 5
slot number 2i 2i 2i 2i+1 2i+1 2i+1
Uplink subslot pattern 0, 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5, 6
Downlink subslot pattern 1 0, 1, 2 3, 4 5, 6 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5, 6
Downlink subslot pattern 2 0, 1 2, 3, 4 5, 6 0, 1 2, 3 4, 5, 6

1.2 Type2 帧结构


上下行配置 上下行切换周期 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
0 5 ms D S U U U D S U U U
1 5 ms D S U U D D S U U D
2 5 ms D S U D D D S U D D
3 10 ms D S U U U D D D D D
4 10 ms D S U U D D D D D D
5 10 ms D S U D D D D D D D
6 5 ms D S U U U D S U U D


特殊子帧配置 下行正常CP 下行扩展CP
上行正常CP 上行扩展CP 上行正常CP 上行扩展CP
0 6592 \cdot T_s (1+X)\cdot 2192 \cdot T_s (1+X)\cdot 2560\cdot T_s 7680\cdot T_s (1+X)\cdot 2192 \cdot T_s (1+X)\cdot 2560 \cdot T_s
1 19760\cdot T_s 20480 \cdot T_s
2 21952\cdot T_s 23040 \cdot T_s
3 24144\cdot T_s 25600 \cdot T_s
4 26336 \cdot T_s 7680 \cdot T_s (2+X)\cdot 2192 \cdot T_s (2+X)\cdot 2560 \cdot T_s
5 6592 \cdot T_s (2+X)\cdot 2192 \cdot T_s (2+X)\cdot 2560\cdot T_s 20480 \cdot T_s
6 19760 \cdot T_s 23040 \cdot T_s
7 21952 \cdot T_s 12800 \cdot T_s
8 24144 \cdot T_s - - -
9 13168 \cdot T_s - - -
10 13168\cdot T_s 13152\cdot T_s 12800\cdot T_s - - -


  subframeAssignment sa2,
  specialSubframePatterns ssp7


1.3 Type3 帧结构



2.1 Preamble

2.1.1 Preamble结构和分类

前导码Preamble是UE在物理随机接入信道中发送的实际内容,长度 T_{CP} 的循环前缀CP和长度为 T_{SEQ} 的序列Sequence组成。


随机接入前导码有5中格式,分别为Preamble format 0/1/2/3/4:

Preamble format T_{CP} T_{SEQ}
0 3168 \cdot T_s 24576\cdot T_s
1 21024 \cdot T_s 24576\cdot T_s
2 6240 \cdot T_s 2\cdot24576\cdot T_s
3 21024 \cdot T_s 2 \cdot 24576\cdot T_s
4 448 \cdot T_s 4096\cdot T_s


  1. 每种前导码格式占用的子帧个数。格式0占1个子帧,格式1/2占2个子帧,格式3占3个子帧,格式4比较特殊,只用于TDD的特殊子帧的UpPTS(长度为4384或5120)中。
  2. 每种前导码格式对应PRACH的时间。比如格式0,前导码持续时间:3168 + 24576 = 27744T_s=0.903ms,同TS36101-
前导码格式 Measurement period (ms)
0 0.9031
1 1.4844
2 1.8031
3 2.2844
4 0.1479
  1. 每种前导码支持的最大小区半径。以格式0为例,除去前导码占用的时间之后的保护时间:(30720-3168-24576)T_s=2976T_s=96.875us。预留这段时间是为了避免和其他的子帧发生干扰。最大小区半径:(3 \times 10^8)m/s*96.875us \div 2 = 14.53km。同理可以计算出其他格式对应的小区半径如下表:
前导码格式 T_{CP}(in ms) T_{SEQ}(in ms) 总长度(in ms) 子帧个数 保护时间(in ms) 小区半径
0 0.103 0.800 0.903 1 0.097 ~ 14 km
1 0.684 0.800 1.484 2 0.516 ~ 75 km
2 0.203 1.600 1.803 2 0.197 ~ 28 km
3 0.684 1.600 2.284 3 0.716 ~ 108 km
4 0.015 0.133 0.148 ~1.4km
  1. 前导码格式4的使用。格式4只能用于TDD的特殊子帧中长度为4384T_s或5120T_s的UpPTS中,结合Type2帧结构中的特殊子帧配置可知,对于上行和下行都为正常循环前缀的特殊子帧配置5/6/7/8 以及上下行都为扩展循环前缀的特殊子帧配置5/6/7中。但是对于格式4,Preamble的时间为4544T_s > 4384T_s,所以使用格式4的时候需要占用一部分的GP时间,从UpTPS结束前的4832T_s处开始,占用288T_s

2.1.2 Preamble序列



x_u(n)=e^{-j\frac{\pi un(n+1)}{N_{ZC}}},\, 0 \le n \le N_{ZC}-1



x_{u,v}=x_{u}((n+C_v)mod \, N_{ZC})

2.2 SIB2消息

2.2.1 UE在什么时机发送什么格式的Preamble?

<TS36211-5.7.1-2: Frame structure type 1 random access configuration for preamble formats 0-3>

PRACH 配置索引 前导码格式 系统帧号 子帧号 PRACH配置索引 前导码格式 系统帧号 子帧号
0 0 Even 1 32 2 Even 1
1 0 Even 4 33 2 Even 4
2 0 Even 7 34 2 Even 7
3 0 Any 1 35 2 Any 1
4 0 Any 4 36 2 Any 4
5 0 Any 7 37 2 Any 7
6 0 Any 1, 6 38 2 Any 1, 6
7 0 Any 2 ,7 39 2 Any 2 ,7
8 0 Any 3, 8 40 2 Any 3, 8
9 0 Any 1, 4, 7 41 2 Any 1, 4, 7
10 0 Any 2, 5, 8 42 2 Any 2, 5, 8
11 0 Any 3, 6, 9 43 2 Any 3, 6, 9
12 0 Any 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 44 2 Any 0, 2, 4, 6, 8
13 0 Any 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 45 2 Any 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
14 0 Any 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 46 N/A N/A N/A
15 0 Even 9 47 2 Even 9
16 1 Even 1 48 3 Even 1
17 1 Even 4 49 3 Even 4
18 1 Even 7 50 3 Even 7
19 1 Any 1 51 3 Any 1
20 1 Any 4 52 3 Any 4
21 1 Any 7 53 3 Any 7
22 1 Any 1, 6 54 3 Any 1, 6
23 1 Any 2 ,7 55 3 Any 2 ,7
24 1 Any 3, 8 56 3 Any 3, 8
25 1 Any 1, 4, 7 57 3 Any 1, 4, 7
26 1 Any 2, 5, 8 58 3 Any 2, 5, 8
27 1 Any 3, 6, 9 59 3 Any 3, 6, 9
28 1 Any 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 60 N/A N/A N/A
29 1 Any 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 61 N/A N/A N/A
30 N/A N/A N/A 62 N/A N/A N/A
31 1 Even 9 63 3 Even 9

<TS36211-Table 5.7.1-3: Frame structure type 2 random access configurations for preamble formats 0-4>

PRACH 配置索引 前导码格式 DensityPer 10 ms D_{RA} Version R_{RA} PRACH 配置索引 前导码格式 DensityPer 10 ms D_{RA} Version R_{RA}
0 0 0.5 0 32 2 0.5 2
1 0 0.5 1 33 2 1 0
2 0 0.5 2 34 2 1 1
3 0 1 0 35 2 2 0
4 0 1 1 36 2 3 0
5 0 1 2 37 2 4 0
6 0 2 0 38 2 5 0
7 0 2 1 39 2 6 0
8 0 2 2 40 3 0.5 0
9 0 3 0 41 3 0.5 1
10 0 3 1 42 3 0.5 2
11 0 3 2 43 3 1 0
12 0 4 0 44 3 1 1
13 0 4 1 45 3 2 0
14 0 4 2 46 3 3 0
15 0 5 0 47 3 4 0
16 0 5 1 48 4 0.5 0
17 0 5 2 49 4 0.5 1
18 0 6 0 50 4 0.5 2
19 0 6 1 51 4 1 0
20 1 0.5 0 52 4 1 1
21 1 0.5 1 53 4 2 0
22 1 0.5 2 54 4 3 0
23 1 1 0 55 4 4 0
24 1 1 1 56 4 5 0
25 1 2 0 57 4 6 0
26 1 3 0 58 N/A N/A N/A
27 1 4 0 59 N/A N/A N/A
28 1 5 0 60 N/A N/A N/A
29 1 6 0 61 N/A N/A N/A
30 2 0.5 0 62 N/A N/A N/A
31 2 0.5 1 63 N/A N/A N/A


  rootSequenceIndex 164, //逻辑值,见表:5.7.2-4
    prach-ConfigIndex 0,
    highSpeedFlag FALSE,
    zeroCorrelationZoneConfig 8,
    prach-FreqOffset 85


highSpeedFlag & zeroCorrelationZoneConfig:指定从单一基本序列生成64个PRACH序列的循环移位间隔。



<TS36211-Table 5.7.1-4: Frame structure type 2 random access preamble mapping in time and frequency>

PRACH配置索引(见表5.7.1-3) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 (0,1,0,2) (0,1,0,1) (0,1,0,0) (0,1,0,2) (0,1,0,1) (0,1,0,0) (0,1,0,2)
1 (0,2,0,2) (0,2,0,1) (0,2,0,0) (0,2,0,2) (0,2,0,1) (0,2,0,0) (0,2,0,2)
2 (0,1,1,2) (0,1,1,1) (0,1,1,0) (0,1,0,1) (0,1,0,0) N/A (0,1,1,1)
3 (0,0,0,2) (0,0,0,1) (0,0,0,0) (0,0,0,2) (0,0,0,1) (0,0,0,0) (0,0,0,2)
4 (0,0,1,2) (0,0,1,1) (0,0,1,0) (0,0,0,1) (0,0,0,0) N/A (0,0,1,1)
5 (0,0,0,1) (0,0,0,0) N/A (0,0,0,0) N/A N/A (0,0,0,1)
6 (0,0,0,2)(0,0,1,2) (0,0,0,1)(0,0,1,1) (0,0,0,0)(0,0,1,0) (0,0,0,1)(0,0,0,2) (0,0,0,0)(0,0,0,1) (0,0,0,0)(1,0,0,0) (0,0,0,2)(0,0,1,1)



n^{RA}_{PRB}= \left\{ \begin{array} \\ n^{RA}_{PRB \, offset} + 6\Big\lfloor \frac{f_{RA}}{2}\Big\rfloor, \quad if \, f_{RA}mod2=0 \\ N^{UL}_{RB}-6-n^{RA}_{PRB \, offset} - 6\Big\lfloor\frac{f_{RA}}{2}\Big\rfloor, \quad other \end{array} \right.

n^{RA}_{PRB}= \left\{ \begin{array} \\ 6f_{RA}, \quad if \, \Big ((n_f mod 2)\times(2-N_{SP})+t^{(1)}_{RA}\Big)mod2=0 \\ N^{UL}_{RB}-6(f_{RA}+1), \quad other \end{array} \right.



2.2.2 UE的发送功率?发送失败之后如何处理?

    numberOfRA-Preambles n52,
      sizeOfRA-PreamblesGroupA n48,
      messageSizeGroupA b56,
      messagePowerOffsetGroupB dB8
    powerRampingStep dB2,
    preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower dBm-100
    preambleTransMax n8,
    ra-ResponseWindowSize sf10,
    mac-ContentionResolutionTimer sf64
  maxHARQ-Msg3Tx 5







preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower :初始接入功率。


Preamble Format DELTA_PREAMBLE value
0 0 dB
1 0 dB
2 -3 dB
3 -3 dB
4 8 dB





maxHARQ-Msg3Tx:msg3 HARQ重传的最大次数。

2.3 Rach triger

2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.634  [99]  0xB061  LTE MAC Rach Trigger
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Number of SubPackets = 2
SubPacket ID = 3
SubPacket - ( RACH Config Subpacket )
   Version = 4
   SubPacket Size = 32
   RACH Config V4
      Sub Id                         = 1
      Num Active Cell                = 1
      Cell Rach Info[0]
         Cell Id                        = 0
         //sib2 preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower
         Preamble initial power         = -100 dB
         //sib2 powerRampingStep
         Power ramping step             = 2 dB
         //sib2 sizeOfRA-PreamblesGroupA
         RA index1                      = 48
         //sib2 numberOfRA-Preambles
         RA index2                      = 52
         //sib2 preambleTransMax
         Preamble trans max             = 8
         //sib2 mac-ContentionResolutionTimer
         Contention resolution timer    = 64 ms
         //sib2 messageSizeGroupA/8=7byte
         Message size Group_A           = 7
         //sib2 messagePowerOffsetGroupB
         Power offset Group_B           = -8 dB
         PMax                           = 23 dBm
         Delta preamble Msg3            = 0
         //sib2 prach-ConfigIndex
         PRACH config                   = 0
         //sib2 zeroCorrelationZoneConfig
         CS zone length                 = 8
         //sib2 rootSequenceIndex
         Root seq index                 = 164
         //sib2 prach-FreqOffset
         PRACH Freq Offset              = 85
         Preamble Format                = 0
         //sib2 highSpeedFlag
         High speed flag                = 0
         //sib2 maxHARQ-Msg3Tx
         Max retx Msg3                  = 5
         //sib2 ra-ResponseWindowSize
         RA rsp win size                = 10 ms
SubPacket ID = 5
SubPacket - ( RACH Reason Subpacket )
   Version = 2
   Subpacket Size = 24 bytes
   RACH Reason V2
      Sub Id = 1
      Cell Id = 0
      Rach reason = CONNECTION_REQ
      Maching ID = 0x58, 0xE0, 0xED, 0x83, 0x71, 0x76
      RACH Contention = Contention Based RACH procedure
      Preamble = 0
      Preamble RA mask = 0xFF
      Msg3 size = 6 bytes
      Group chosen = Group A (0)
      Radio condn = 96 dB
      CRNTI = 0x32A0

2.4 Msg1

2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.668  [6C]  0xB167  LTE Random Access Request (MSG1) Report
Subscription ID = 1
Version                  = 25
Cell Index               = 0
Preamble Sequence        = 18
Physical Root Index      = 829
Cyclic Shift             = 0
PRACH Tx Power           = -4 dBm
Beta PRACH               = 1731
PRACH Frequency Offset   = 85
Preamble Format          = 0
Duplex Mode              = TDD
f_ra                     = 0
t_0_ra                   = Resource reoccurring in all even fradio frames
t_1_ra                   = RA resources in first half frame
t_2_ra                   = 0
Density Per 10 ms        = 1
PRACH Timing SFN         = 700
PRACH Timing Sub-fn      = 2
//RAR windows 10ms,从PRACH发送子帧+3个子帧开始
PRACH Window Start SFN   = 700
RACH Window Start Sub-fn = 5
PRACH Window End SFN     = 701
PRACH Window End Sub-fn  = 5
RA RNTI                  = 3
PRACH Actual Tx Power    = -4
PRACH RX Freq Error      = 5457

RA-RNTI = 1 + t_id + 10 * f_id = 1 + 2 + 10 * 0 = 3




PL = eNB Transmitter Power - UE Reciever Power

  referenceSignalPower 15,
  p-b 1


假如UE的RSRP为-80dBm,PL = 15 - (-80) = 95


PREAMBLE_RECEIVED_TARGET_POWER = preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower + DELTA_PREAMBLE = -100

P_{PRACH} = min{23,-100+95}=-5dBm

2.5 Msg2


2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.692  [B4]  0xB063  LTE MAC DL Transport Block
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Number of SubPackets = 1
SubPacket ID = 7
SubPacket - ( DL Transport Block Subpacket )
   Version = 4
   Subpacket Size = 32
   Downlink Transport Block V4
      Number of samples = 1
      |   |    |      |     |          |       |    |    |       |    |     |       |     |                        |               |     |   |     |Absolute|    |      |      |     |   |     |   |        |Relative|
      |Sub|Cell|      |     |          |       |Area|PMCH|DL TBS |RLC |EMBMS|       |HDR  |                        |               |     |BI |Rapid|TA Val  |Hop |RB    |Coding|TBS  |TPC|UL   |CQI|        |TA Val  |
      |Id |Id  |Sub-FN|SFN  |RNTI Type |HARQ ID|ID  |ID  |(bytes)|PDUs|PDUs |Padding|LEN  |Mac Hdr + CE            |LC ID          |LEN  |Val|Val  |(16xTs) |Flag|Assign|Scheme|Index|dB |Delay|Req|T-C-RNTI|(16xTs) |
      |  1|   0|     0|  701|   RA-RNTI|      0|    |    |     11|   0|     |      0|   11| 81 52 00 32 6C 3C 2F 19|               |     |  1|     |       3|   0|   310|  QPSK|    1|  8|    0|  0|  0x2F19|        |
      |   |    |      |     |          |       |    |    |       |    |     |       |     | A8 00 32               |               |     |   |   18|        |    |      |      |     |   |     |   |        |        |

Msg2在帧7010上发送,落在了7005~7015之间,Rapid Val = 18,跟Msg1中的Preamble Sequence相等。

81 52 00 32 6C 3C 2F 19 A8 00 32

1000 0001

RAR中包括了backoff字段,指示了UE重传前导的等待时间范围,如果UE在规定的时间范围以内没有收到任何RAR消息,或者RAR消息中的前导序列索引与自己的不符,则认为此次的前导接入失败,UE需要等待一段时间才能进行下一次的前导接入,推迟的时间范围, 就由backoff indictor来指示, UE可以在0到BackoffIndicator之间随机取值。这样的设计可以减少UE在相同时间再次发送前导序列的几率。


01 0010 PAPID


000 0000 0011 TA

0010 0110 1100 0011 1100 UL Grant

0010 1111 0001 1001 Temporary C-RNTI

1010 1000 0000 0000 0011 0010

UL Grant:

TPC Command Value (in dB)
0 -6
1 -4
2 -2
3 0
4 2
5 4
6 6
7 8


\\ if \,(L_{CRBs}-1)\le \Big\lfloor N^{UL}_{RB}/2\Big\rfloor \\ \quad RIV=N^{UL}_{RB}(L_{CRBs}-1)+RB_{START} \\ else \\ \quad RIV=N^{UL}_{RB}(N^{UL}_{RB}-L_{CRBs}+1)+(N^{UL}_{RB}-1-RB_{START}) \\


a=\Big\lfloor RIV/N^{UL}_{RB} \Big\rfloor + 1 \\ b= RIV \, mod \, N^{UL}_{RB} \\ if(a+b>N^{UL}_{RB})\\ \quad L_{CRBs}=N^{UL}_{RB}+2-a \\ \quad RB_{START}=N^{UL}_{RB}-1-b \\ else \\ \quad L_{CRBs}=a \\ \quad RB_{START}=b

UL grant:

0010 0110 1100 0011 1100 

RIV:010 0110 110 = 310

a = floor(310 / 100) + 1 = 4

b = 310 mod 100 = 10


L_{CRBs}=4 \\ RB_{START}=10

UE分配到的上行资源是从RB 10开始的连续4个RB。

2.6 Msg3

2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.681  [F7]  0xB169  LTE UE Identification Message (MSG3) Report
Subscription ID = 1
Version                   = 24
Cell Index                = 0
//TPC command for scheduled PUSCH    
TPC                       = 7
//Truncated modulation and coding scheme
MCS                       = 1
//Fixed size resource block assignment
RIV                       = 310
//CQI request
CQI                       = Disabled
//UL delay
UL Delay                  = Don't Delay
SFN                       = 701
Sub-fn                    = 7
//Hopping flag
Hopping Flag              = Disabled
Starting Resource Block   = 10
Num Resource Blocks       = 4
Transport Block Size Index = 1
Modulation Type           = QPSK
Redundancy Version Index  = 0
HARQ ID                   = 1


2.7 Msg4

2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.695  [9F]  0xB16A  LTE Contention Resolution Message (MSG4) Report
Subscription ID = 1
Version              = 1
SFN                  = 702
Sub-fn               = 4
Contention Result    = Pass
UL ACK Timing SFN    = 703
UL ACK Timing Sub-fn = 2

2.8 Rach Attempt

2019 Dec 25  09:19:25.695  [9F]  0xB062  LTE MAC Rach Attempt
Subscription ID = 1
Version = 1
Number of SubPackets = 1
SubPacket ID = 6
SubPacket - ( RACH Attempt Subpacket )
   Version = 3
   Subpacket Size = 40 bytes
   RACH Attempt V3
      Sub Id = 1
      Cell Id = 0
      Retx counter = 1
      Rach result = Success
      Contention procedure = Contention Based RACH procedure
      Msg1 - RACH Access Preamble[0]
         Preamble Index = 18
         Preamble index mask = Invalid
         Preamble power offset = -100 dB
      Msg2 - Random Access Response
         Backoff Value = 10 ms
         Result = True
         TCRNTI = 12057
         TA value = 3 
         Grant Raw = 0x0C0200
         Grant = 18 bytes
         Harq ID = 1
         MAC PDU = 0x20, 0x06, 0x1F, 0x58, 0xE0, 0xED, 0x83, 0x71, 0x76, 0x00
上一篇 下一篇

