Kotlin专题Kotlin Weekly 中文周报Kotlin编程

Kotlin Weekly 中文周报——123

2018-12-11  本文已影响7人  DoubleThunder

Kotlin Weekly 中文周报

  1. Using the Kotlinstdlibin Java code (medium.com)
    使用 kotlinstdlibin java 代码
    Kotlin introduces a lot of great helper methods for us. Some of these include String helpers such as this one to capitalize the first character of a String. Is there a way to use some of this Kotlin functions in Java code? Yes, it is, and Victoria Gonda shows you how.
    Kotlin 为我们介绍了很多很棒的帮助方法。其中一些包括字符串助手,例如这个字符串的第一个字符。在 Java 代码中是否有一种方法可以使用这些 Kotlin 函数?是的,它是,Victoria Gonda 向您展示如何使用。

  2. How to make sense of Kotlin coroutines (medium.com)
    如何理解 Kotlin
    Coroutines are a great way to write asynchronous code that is perfectly readable and maintainable. Kotlin provides the building block of asynchronous programming with a single language construct. This post explains in simple words the basics of coroutines and suspending functions.
    coroutines 是一个伟大的方式写异步代码,是完全可读和可维护的。Kotlin 提供了一个单一语言构造的异步编程的构建块。这个帖子用简单的词解释了 coroutines 和暂停功能的基础。

  3. Kotlin Coroutines patterns & anti-patterns (proandroiddev.com)
    Kotlin Coroutines 模式与反模式
    Dmytro Danylyk has been using Kotlin coroutines and decided to write about several things which you should and shouldn’t do (or at least try to avoid) when using them.
    DmytroDanylyk 一直使用 Kotlin Coroutines,并决定写几件你应该而且不应该做的事情(或者至少尽量避免)使用它们。

  4. Migrating Android build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin DSL (proandroiddev.com)
    从 Groovy 到 Kotlin DSL 迁移 Android 构建脚本
    Gradle 5.0 has been released with lots of features and especially with the support of production-ready Kotlin DSL. In this article, Oussama Hafferssas shares the process he followed to migrate Gradle build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin DSL.
    Gradle 5.0 已经发布了许多功能,特别是支持生产就绪的 Kotlin DSL。在这篇文章中,Ossamahafferssas 分享了他从 Groovy 到 Kotlin DSL 迁移 Gradle 构建脚本的过程。

  5. Dependency Injection with Koin (talkingkotlin.com)
    Koin 依赖注入
    In this new chapter from Talking Kotlin, Hadi Hariri chats with Arnaud about Koin, a new dependency injection framework written from the ground up in Kotlin. They discuss the why, the how and whether in this day and age it makes sense to even have dependency injections frameworks.
    在这篇新的章节中,来自 Kotlin,Hadi Hariri 与 Arnaud 谈论 Koin,一个新的依赖注入框架,写在 Kotlin 的基础上。他们讨论了为什么,如何以及在这一天和年龄,它是否有意义,甚至有依赖注射框架。

  6. Sarah-Jane Gallitz: Testing Kotlin Apps – Let’s make this easy (www.youtube.com)
    Sarah Jane Gallitz:测试 Kotlin 应用程序——让我们轻松一下
    Shares real-world examples of how to make testing your (Kotlin) App easier and quicker so you can have more time and more confidence in the quality of your releases.

  7. Level Up in Kotlin (www.youtube.com)
    提升你的 Kotlin 的水平
    Pamela Hill aims to help Android developers level up their Kotlin skills, focussing on intermediate/expert language features such as coroutines, DSLs, and libraries/frameworks such as Koin for dependency injection, and Spek for testing.
    Pamela Shill 旨在帮助 Android 开发人员提高他们的 Kotlin 技能,专注于中级 / 专家语言功能,如 Coroutines、DSLs 和库 / 框架,如 Koin 依赖注入,以及 Spek 测试。

  8. Kotlin Coroutines and Kotlin 1.3 Q&A (youtube.com)
    Kotlin Coroutines 和 Kotlin 1.3 问答
    Kotlin Coroutines and Kotlin 1.3 overview by Andrey Breslav and Roman Elizarov with Q&A are now available on YouTube. A high-quality video for your Sunday.
    Kotlin Coroutines 和 Kotlin 1.3 由 AndreyBreslav 和 Roman Elizarov 和 Q&A 在 YouTube 上提供。

  9. Ya Basic (zdominguez.com)
    Zarah Dominguez falls frequently in cases where Kotlin code makes things more complex than they should be. She explained her latest experience, and a few tips on avoiding complexity.
    在 Kotlin 代码使事情变得更加复杂的情况下,Zarah Dominguez 经常会跌倒。她解释了自己的最新经历,以及一些避免复杂的技巧。

  10. Kotlin Release 1.3.11 (github.com)
    Kotlin 发布 1.3.11
    Kotlin 1.3.11 is here with fixes for a number of bugs including contracts in Kotlin/JS. See the full changelog and release notes in this link.
    Kotlin 1.3.11 是在这里修复了一些 bug,包括 Kotlin/JS 的合同。在这个链接中看到完整的 changelog 和发行说明。


  1. Android Weekly - 339
  2. Kotlin Weekly - 123



