iMessage 群发短信
2:tell application"Messages"
set csvData to read"/Users/xxxx/Desktop/test.csv"
set csvEntries to paragraphs of csvData
repeatwithi from 1 to count csvEntries
set phone to (csvEntries's item i)'s text
set myid to get id of first service
set theBuddy to buddy phone of service id myid
send"今天北京晴,气温13到27度;周二晴,气温11到26度,北风3-4级;周三晴,气温11到24度,微风<3级"to theBuddy
end repeat
end tell
3:解决mac电脑下 csv文件乱码问题 请自动移动http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_69e225900102w2mc.html
4:tell application "Messages"
set csvData to read "/Users/apple/Desktop/2017.csv"
set csvEntries to paragraphs of csvData
repeat with i from 1 to count csvEntries
set phone to (csvEntries's item i)'s text
set phone to (csvEntries's item i)'s text
set myid to get id of first service
set theBuddy to buddy phone of service id myid
send "亲爱的用户你好,您的初审已通过,请您尽快添加客服QQ:2675016092进行审核。" to theBuddy
end try
end repeat
end tell. <这段代码不会因错误而终止message发送>