豹豹和你一起试读The House on Mango Stree
When you leave you must remember to come back for the others. A circle, understand? You will always be Esperanza. You will always be Mango Street.You can't erase what you know.You can’t forget who you are.
You must remember to come back. For the ones who cannot leave as easily as you. You will remember? She asked as if she was telling me.(出自本书The Three Sisters有暗喻的成分)
No, this isn’t my house I say and shake my head as if shaking could undo the year I’ve lived here. I don’t belong. I don’t ever want to come from here. You have a home, Alicia, and one day you’ll go there, to a town you remember, but me I never had a house, not even a photograph … only one I dream of.
No, Alicia says. Like it or not you are Mango Street, and one day you’ll come back too.(出自本书在台阶上的交谈)
Mango Says Goodbye Sometimes
I make a story for my life, for each step my brown shoe takes.
I like to tell stories. I am going to tell you a story about a girl who didn’t want to belong.
what I remember most is Mango Street, sad red house, the house I belong but do not belong to.
I put it down on paper and then the ghost does not ache so much. I write it down and Mango says goodbye sometimes. She does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free.
They will not know I have gone away to come back. For the ones I left behind. For the ones who cannot out.