
2019-02-22  本文已影响0人  LovePeace_fea6

·Occasionally, the faint /feɪnt/light of the lamps shone through the dreamyhaze /heɪz/and shed onthe children passing along. In such dimatmosphere, the children seem like haunting ghosts, flockingforward in large numbers. Those children, with the hair cut like the watermelon peel, are all almost half-blind because of the haze. Therefore, they had to grope their way in dark by touching the unnamable things along. Usually, we had to overcome our sleepiness and get up at half past five before dawn. Even when its rainy in the winter morning, there were groups of children in black coat and skirt carrying big bags with black slightly humpbacks on the street. With two lunch boxes and a canteen, all of them also took a tiny black umbrella, trudgingforwards in rain. There was no time for our sneakers to get dry, for we have to wear them early the next morning when they were still a bit wet.

faint /feɪnt/adj. 模糊的;头晕的vi. 昏倒;变得微弱;变得没气力

faint haze 薄雾faintness模糊

shed on 洒在 shed vt. 散发;流出

Flockn.群 v. 聚集;成群而行

Canteen /kæn'ti:n/ n. 食堂,小卖部;水壶

trudge/trʌdʒ/ vi. 跋涉;步履艰难地走 vt.跋涉 n.长途跋涉;沉重的步伐

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