PMBOK指南知识点 - 第十三章

2020-01-11  本文已影响0人  kevinjaw007

第十三章 项目相关方管理 Chapter 13 - Project Stakeholder Management

2 Key Concepts 2个主要概念

Project Stakeholders - Anyone who may be affected by the project.

项目相关方 - 可能受到项目影响的任何人。

Stakeholder Register - Documents the following (sensitive) information about your stakeholders:

相关方登记册 - 记录相关方如下信息的文件:

13.0 Processes 4大过程

13.1 Identify Stakeholders (I) - Determining who will be affected by the project.

13.1 识别相关方 - 确定被项目影响的人是谁。

13.2 Plan Stakeholder Engagement (P) - Developing strategies to engage stakeholders during the project.

13.2 规划相关方参与 - 制定策略,在项目过程中如何让相关方参与。

13.3 Manage Stakeholder Engagement (E) - Communicating with stakeholders and addressing issues.

13.3 管理相关方参与 - 与相关方沟通并处理问题。

13.4 Monitor Stakeholder Engagement (M) - Monitoring and adjusting plans for engaging stakeholders.

13.4 监督相关方参与 - 监督并调整相关方参与计划。

Stakeholder Classification Models 相关方分类模型

Power/Interest Grid 权力/利益 方格 - by (1) level of authority (power); (2) level or concern (interest).

Power/Influence Grid 权力/影响力 方格 - by (1) level of authority (power); (2) active involvement (influence).

Influence/Impact Grid 影响力/作用 方格- by (1) active involvement (influence); (2) ability to effect change (impact).

Stakeholder Cube - Combines the grids above into a 3D model.

相关方立方体 - 上述3种方格整合为一个3维模型。

Salience Model - by (1) power, (2) urgency, and (3) legitimacy.

凸显模型 - 采用权力、紧急性和合法性来评估。

Directions of Influence - Classifies according to how they can influence the work.

影响方向 - 按相关方如何影响项目工作来进行分类。

Examples of Stakeholders 相关方举例

Internal 内部 External 外部
Sponsors 发起人 - Provides the resources. Customers 消费者 - Approve/manage the outcomes.
Project Team 项目团队 - Create the deliverables. Users 用户 - Use the outcomes of the project.
PM 项目经理 - Perform PM functions (budgeting). Suppliers 供应商 - Under control to provide things.
PMO 项目管理办公室 - Standardize project governance.

