
英语精读连载 Good-Bye, Mr. Chips 《再会,契

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Anno domini ... by Jove[50], yes. Born in[51]1848 and taken to the Great Exhibition[52]as a toddling child -- not many people still alive[53]could boast[54]a thing like that. Besides, Chips could even remember Brookfield in Wetherby's time[55]. A phenomenon, that was[56]. Wetherby had been an old man in those days -- 1870 -- easy to remember because of the Franco-Prussian War[57]. Chips had put in for[58]Brookfield after a year at Melbury[59], which he hadn't liked, because he had been ragged[60]there a good deal[61]. But Brookfield he had liked, almost from the beginning.[62]He remembered that day of his preliminary interview[63]-- sunny July, with the air full of flower scents and the plick-plock[64]of cricket[65]on the pitch[66]. Brookfield was playing Barnhurst[67], and one of the Barnhurst boys, a chubby little fellow, made a brilliant century[68]. Queer that a thing like that should stay in the memory so clearly.[69]Wetherby himself was very fatherly and courteous[70]; he must have been ill then, poor chap[71], for he died during the summer vacation, before Chips began his first term. But the two had seen and spoken to each other, anyway[72]. Chips often thought, as he sat by the fire at Mrs. Wickett's: I am probably the only man in the world[73]who has a vivid recollection of old Wetherby ... Vivid, yes; it was a frequent picture in his mind, that summer day[74]with the sunlight filtering through[75]the dust[76]in Wetherby's study. 'You are a young man, Mr. Chipping[77], and Brookfield is an old foundation[78]. Youth and age[79]often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.[80]And don't let anyone play tricks with[81]you. I -- er[82]-- gather[83]that discipline was not always your strong point at Melbury[84]?'

'Well[85], no, perhaps not[86], sir.'

'Never mind; you're full[87]young; it's largely a matter of experience[88]. You have another chance here. Take up a firm attitude[89]from the beginning, that's the secret of it[90].'

英语精读连载 Good-Bye, Mr. Chips 《再会,契普斯先生》 2

[50] by Jove ['dʒəʊv]一种口头禅,有赌咒的意思,表示“真的”、“不是胡说”等。Jove=Jupiter ['dʒu:pɪtə]罗马神话中的主神。

[51] Born in前面省去He was。

[52] the Great Exhibition [eksɪ'bɪʃən] 1851年英国伦敦举行的第一次大展览会

[53] alive [ə'laɪv]活着的,只能用作表语或后置修饰语。

[54] boast夸口说

[55] Wetherby's ['weðəbɪz] time在韦瑟比(任校长)的时候

[56] A phenomenon [fɪ'nɒmɪnən] , that was=That was a phenomenon。phenomenon稀有现象。

[57] Franco-Prussian ['fræŋkəʊ'prʌʃən] War普(鲁士)法(兰西)战争(爆发于1870年)

[58] put in for请求加入

[59] Melbury ['melbərɪ]梅尔伯瑞,英国地名,也是那地方的校名。

[60] ragged [rægd] rag的过去分词,“被人作弄”的意思。注意不要与形容词ragged ['rægɪd](破烂的,粗糙的)混淆。

[61] a good deal许多,这里作状语。

[62] But Brookfield he hadliked, almost from the beginning.这句中把宾语Brookfield放在句首,是强调Brookfield;had印成斜体,也表示强调,要重读。上句说他不喜欢Melbury,这句说“可是Brookfield是他几乎一开始就确实喜欢的。”from the beginning从一开始就……(有“始终”的意思)。比较:at the beginning在开始的时候(开始时候如此,后来未必如此)。

[63] preliminary [prɪ'lɪmInərɪ] interview ['ɪntəvju:]就职前的面试。雇主在雇用新人之前,往往要先经过一次面试,对雇员进行一些了解或交待一些情况。

[64] plick-plock劈里啪啦的声音

[65] cricket ['krɪkɪt]板球(盛行于英国的一种球类运动)

[66] pitch(板球的)两个三柱门(wicket)之间的球场[67] playing Barnhurst ['bɑ:nhɜ:st]和巴恩赫斯特校队比赛

[68] made a brilliant century得到个漂亮的一百分。century(板球比赛中的)一百分(100 runs)。

[69] Queer that a thing like that should stay in the memory so clearly.=It is queer that ... should .... should有“竟然”的意思。

[70] fatherly and courteous [kɜ:tjəs]慈祥和殷勤的

[71] poor chap可怜的家伙(对人怜悯或同情的称呼;这里是称Wetherby。)

[72] anyway无论如何;=anyhow

[73] the only man in the world这里in the world是习语,并不着重world这词的实义,有“天下;毕竟”的意思,如:What in the world is it?(这到底是什么?)

[74] it was a frequent picture in his mind, that summer day那年夏季的这一天是他头脑里时常出现的一幅图象;即那天的情景常萦绕在他脑际。这里it是虚词,实际的主语是that summer day;that summer day后面的话只是它的修饰语。同类的句子如:it is important, education。

[75] filtering through滤过;透过

[76] dust一片灰尘

[77] Chipping是Chips的正式姓氏,见前注。

[78] Brookfield is an old foundation布鲁克菲尔德是一所(建立已久的)老学校。

[79] Youth and age指Chips和Brookfield,参看上句。

[80] Give your enthusiasm [ɪn'θju:zɪæzəm] to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.=If you give your enthusiasm to Brookfield, Brookfield will give you something in return.in return作为报答。

[81] play tricks with对……恶作剧;对……耍花招

[82] er [ə]在断续的说话中无意识地发出的含糊音

[83] gather推想

[84] discipline ['dɪsɪplɪn] was not always your strong point at Melbury?你在梅尔伯瑞管学生的纪律并不怎么好吧?(全句用陈述句的形式,句末用疑问号,读时带疑问口气,相当于疑问句。always没有具体意义,只是使语气婉转些。strong point优点;特长。

[85] Well语助词(谈话时常用)

[86] perhaps not=perhaps discipline was not always my strong point at Melbury.

[87] full十分,极(是副词)

[88] it's largely a matter of experience这主要是个经验问题。largely主要地。

[89] Take up a firm attitude ['ætɪtju:d]采取坚强态度

[90] that's the secret of it这个it说不出它的先行词是什么,有的语法家称之为“it的含糊用法”(the vague use of it)。

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