etcd学习笔记3 (草稿)

2020-08-05  本文已影响0人  酱油王0901

Raft协议主要分为三个模块:Leader electionLog replicationSafety

RSM(Replicated State Machine)


// file: raft/tracker/state.go
// StateType is the state of a tracked follower.
type StateType uint64

const (
    // StateProbe indicates a follower whose last index isn't known. Such a
    // follower is "probed" (i.e. an append sent periodically) to narrow down
    // its last index. In the ideal (and common) case, only one round of probing
    // is necessary as the follower will react with a hint. Followers that are
    // probed over extended periods of time are often offline.
    StateProbe StateType = iota
    // StateReplicate is the state steady in which a follower eagerly receives
    // log entries to append to its log.
    // StateSnapshot indicates a follower that needs log entries not available
    // from the leader's Raft log. Such a follower needs a full snapshot to
    // return to StateReplicate.

Joint consensus
joint config
term is a logic clock in the raft


// file: raft/log.go
type raftLog struct {
    // storage contains all stable entries since the last snapshot.
    storage Storage

    // unstable contains all unstable entries and snapshot.
    // they will be saved into storage.
    unstable unstable

    // committed is the highest log position that is known to be in
    // stable storage on a quorum of nodes.
    committed uint64
    // applied is the highest log position that the application has
    // been instructed to apply to its state machine.
    // Invariant: applied <= committed
    applied uint64

    logger Logger

    // maxNextEntsSize is the maximum number aggregate byte size of the messages
    // returned from calls to nextEnts.
    maxNextEntsSize uint64

applied <= committed

Deep Dive: etcd

Consensus and Quorum
Replicated state machine

Leader election

Log replication

Raft in etcd

Raft implementation

State and Input Output and State transition

Server's handling loop

for {
      select {
      case rd := <- r.Ready():
    , rd.Entries, rd.Snapshot)

Request lifecycle

  1. Send proposal to Raft
    r.Propose(ctx, data)
  2. If successfully committed, data will appear in rd.CommittedEntries
  3. Apply committed entries to MVCC
  4. Return apply result to client

Add/Remove a node

当 Leader 收到 Configuration Change 的消息之后,它就将新的配置(后面叫 C-new,旧的叫 C-old) 作为一个特殊的 Raft Entry 发送到其他的 Follower 上面,任何节点只要收到了这个 Entry,就开始直接使用 C-new。当 C-new 这个 Log 被 committed,那么这次 Configuration Change 就结束了。当在 TiKV 以及 etcd 里面,并没有使用这种方式,只有当 C-new 这个 Log 被 committed 以及被 applied 之后,节点才知道最新的 Configuration 的情况。这样做的方式是比较简单,但需要注意几点:




etcd作为一个高可用的KV存储系统,不可能只依靠log replay来实现数据恢复。因此,etcd还提供了snapshot(快照)功能。snapshot即是定期把整个数据库保存成一个单独的快照文件,这样一来,不但缩短了日志重放的时间,也减轻了WAL的存储量,过早的WAL可以删除掉。
假设 3 个节点,然后新加入了一个节点,如果 Leader 在给新的 Follower 发送 Snapshot 的时候,另一个 Follower 当掉了,这时候整个系统是没法工作了,只有等 Follower 完全收完 Snapshot 之后才能恢复。为了解决这个问题,我们可以引入 Learner 的状态,也就是新加入的 Learner 节点是不能算 Quorum 的,它不能投票。只有 Leader 确认这个 Learner 接受完了 Snapshot,能正常同步 Raft Log 了,才会考虑将其变成正常的可以 Vote 的节点。

Joint Consensus


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