
2017-08-04  本文已影响0人  高速路边数车车


This plugin alters the various aspects of the default battle system,
allowing it to be more streamlined like most modern RPG's and less clunky
like older RPG's. This ranges from choosing what text will appear in the
battle log window at the top and how it will be displayed.
Battle Messages

When changing "Terms" and the "Messages" that appear in battle, inserting
the following tag anywhere in the message will cause the message to center
itself in the battle log.

This tag must be all caps in order for the battle log window to recognize
it as an instruction to center the displayed battle text message.

There are a couple of notetags you can use to change the way certain skills
and items will show up incase you don't want a name like 'Harold's Attack'
to appear in the name.
Skill and Item Notetags:

<Display Text: x>
This will change the text displayed to x.

<Display Icon: x>
This will change the icon displayed to x.

Battle Windows

There's various options to adjust the window settings found in the battle
system to make navigating the battle system more intuitive. Such options
include starting the turns with the Actor Command Window instead of the
Party Command Window (the Fight/Escape Window). The Party Command Window is
still accessible but only by pressing cancel on the first actor's window.
Battle Order

The battle turn order is also fixed, too. This way, any battlers that Have
their AGI value changed over the course of battle will reflect those changes
during the current turn rather than the following turn. The action speed
calculation can also be adjusted and finetuned to have the random factor of
its speed calculation formula removed, too, making AGI actually worthwhile
as a tactical parameter.
Skill and Item Notetag:
<speed: +x>
<speed: -x>
This lets you break past the editor's limit of -2000 and 2000 allowing you
to set the speed of your actions with more control.

Multiple Hits

Multi-hit action will no longer end prematurely if the target dies midway
through the action. This is done through toggling immortal states. To make
use of feature, make sure your database has an Immortal State somewhere. If
you do not wish to use this feature, set the Parameter for Immortal State ID
to 0 instead.
Popup Revamp

Although the damage popups may still look the same as the default ones from
MV, the process in which they're created is now different to streamline the
damage popup process. Before, popups would only appear one a time with a
frame's different at minimum in order for them to show. Now, any actions
that occur at the same frame will now all show popups at the same frame,
making for smoother and less clunky damage popups.
Common Events

Common Events will now occur at the end of each action regardless of whether
or not the enemy party is still alive. With proper placing of the action
sequence tags, you can make the skill's common event occur in the middle of
an action, too. However, keep in mind if you force an action in the middle
of another action, the remainder of the former action's sequence list will
become null and void in favor of the new forced action.

Casting Animations
Casting Animations help provide visual hints for players either by letting
them know which battler is going to perform an action or what type of skill
that action will be. This plugin enables skills to have casting animations
that can be modified universally or customized for each individual skill.

Skill Notetag:
<Cast Animation: x>
Sets the skill's cast animation to animation ID x. Setting x to zero will
cause the skill to not have any animaton at all.

Changing Battle Systems

While the player is not in battle, you can change the battle system using a
Plugin Command. With only this plugin, there is only one battle system
included: the default battle system.

Plugin Command:
setBattleSys DTB Sets battle system to Default Turn Battle.

Other future plugins may include other battle systems that may utilize the
Battle Engine Core.

Sideview Actions

In RPG Maker MV's default battle system, both the sideview and the frontview
settings do not display counterattacks, reflected magic attacks, nor any
case of substituting for battle members. The Battle Engine Core provides
games that are using the sideview settings small amounts of animations to
relay information to the player in a more visual sense.

Magic Reflection will also display a reflection animation to indicate the
battler has reflection properties. This animation can be changed in the
parameters, but certain actors, classes, enemies, weapons, armors, and
states can display a unique kind of animation for reflection if desired.

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetag:
<Reflect Animation ID: x>
Changes the user's reflect animation to x. This will take priority in the
following order: Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State, Default.

Sometimes, you don't want your enemies to be able to move. Or you don't want
certain actors to be able to move. They're just stationary for whatever
reason. To accomplish that, you can use this notetag to forbid the battler
from moving.

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetag:
<Sprite Cannot Move>
Prevents the battler's sprite from moving. This will take priority in the
following order: Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, and State. If an
enemy is unable to move when it performs an action, it will flash white as
if it normally does in front view.

Custom Sideview Battler Anchor

Sideview battlers are generally centered horizontally, and grounded at their
feet. However, not all sideview battler spritesheets work this way. In the
event you have a sideview battler that doesn't conform to those standards,
you can 'anchor' them a different way.

Actor, Class, Weapon, Armor, State Notetags:
<Anchor X: y.z>
<Anchor Y: y.z>
This sets the anchor location for the actor's sideview battler at y.z.
By default, the X anchor is 0.5 while the Y anchor is 1.0. If you want
the X anchor to be a bit more to the left, make it less than 0.5. Make it
more than 0.5 to make the X anchor more towards the right. To raise the
Y anchor, set the number value to less than 1.0. Keep adjusting until you
find that perfect anchor setting.

If an anchor has multiple traits that yield different anchors, it will be
used in a priority list akin to this order:


The higher it is on the priority list, the higher its priority.

Enemy Attack Animation

To give your enemies unique attack animations, you can use this notetag:

Enemy Notetag:
<Attack Animation: x>
Replace x with the ID of the battle animation you wish to set as the
enemy's default attack animation.

Automatic State Removal Conditions

By default, RPG Maker MV's battle system has automatic state removal under
three different conditions: none, action end, turn end.

None and Turn End are working as intended. However, Action End, however, had
the states removed at the start of the battler's action rather than the end.
This is changed and updated to occur only at the end of a battler's action.

Two more automatic conditions are now added: Action Start and Turn Start.
These can be added and implemented using the following notetags:

State Notetags:
<Action Start: x>
<Action Start: x to y>
This will cause this state to update its turns remaining at the start of
an action. x is the number of turns it will last. If you use x to y, upon
applying the state, the state will be removed a random number of turns
from x to y.

<Turn Start: x>
<Turn Start: x to y>
This will cause the state to update its turns remaining at the start of a
battle turn. x is the number of turns it will last. If you use x to y,
upon applying the state, the state will be removed a random number of
turns from x to y.

States with Action End have a unique trait to them where if the caster of
the state is the current active battler (subject) and if the state is then
applied on the user itself, they will gain a 'free turn'. The 'free turn' is
to mitigate the user from losing 1 duration of the turn since with an Action
End timing, they would lose the benefit of being under the state for that
turn's timing.

Action Sequences

The Yanfly Engine Plugins - Battle Engine Core includes the capability of
using custom action sequences. Action sequences are basic instructions for
the game to creating a customized skill both visually and mechanically.
The Battle Engine Core, however, will only include the most basic of action
sequences so the instructions on how to create a custom action sequence will
be included in the Help file on future extension plugins for this plugin.


Version 1.44:

Version 1.43b:

Version 1.42:

Version 1.41:

Version 1.40:

Version 1.39c:

Version 1.38a:

Version 1.37:

Version 1.36d:

Verison 1.35d:

Version 1.34a:

Version 1.33:

Version 1.32d:

Version 1.31b:

Version 1.30:

Version 1.29:

Version 1.28d:

Version 1.27:

Version 1.26:

Version 1.25f:

Version 1.24:

Version 1.23:

Version 1.22:

Version 1.21:

Version 1.20:

Version 1.19:

Version 1.18:

Version 1.17b:

Version 1.16:

Version 1.15a:

Version 1.14:

Version 1.13a:

Version 1.12b:

Version 1.11:

Version 1.10:

Version 1.09:

Version 1.08:

Version 1.07:

Version 1.06:

Version 1.05:

Version 1.04:

Version 1.03:

Version 1.02:

Version 1.01:

Version 1.00:


