33: My Tips of Getting Motivated

2017-06-30  本文已影响0人  李绅Luis

When I am overwhelmed


I have been unmotivated for last three days. I lost direction as if I can't find my life lighthouse. My mind was full of dark. I was overwhelmed again. It's more severe than last time. Luckily, I am conscious of my state of sad mood. What can I do when I am in bad mood? Here some tips I use to cure myself.

1. Write

Writing always works for me. After writing down my emotion, my emotional mood turns to rational mood as if most my negative emotions are blocked on the letters. I know that feeling overwhelmed does nothing good to me. I have to do something.
The other benefit of writing is to make it clear on what to do.

2.Read something inspirational

After recording my emotion, I read Steve Pavlina's blog. His article Eating the Same foods Repeatedly Is Stupid gave me some inspiration. If you want to stay motivated, you have to exercise and have a variable diet. So, I realized that my laziness could be one of the reasons.

3. Read what I wrote before

We had days when we were full of energy. Some people keep them in mind, but I keep them on paper. I can check what I wrote before when I am lost. It works too.

4. Find someone to talk

This way works every time. We have some good friends who may not totally understand your situation. But they are willing to listen to. When we let our negative thoughts out, we will feel much better.
These are my tips on how to get motivated. What's your tip?

Three Moments of Joy

*20/30 *

Moment 1: I bought a bookshelf yesterday. Finally, I can give my books a home.

Moment 2: I tried a new dish, but I failed.

Moment 3: I started my another 30-day trial which is to get up at 5:00 am.

a picture a word: spinach

