The Autobiography (节选)by Benjami
那么近,这么远,我和你隔着一座山呀一座山。英文阅读这座山真难翻,不过铁路边的孩子结束了。读到Bobbie在车站迎到父亲的那一幕的确感人,像一只小哨子在心底吹响。这本书断断续续感觉读了很长时间,就如同作者说的,当孩子们的日子终于回归到平时,仿佛来到Three Chimneys兵荒马乱的第一天,早晨的苹果派,烧干的热水壶如同很久很久以前。故事很温馨,带有点童话性质,特别捣蛋的Peter, 时不时鞋带开的Phyllis,作为老大总是最懂事的Bobbie,还有坚强勇敢的妈妈,努力支撑家庭,给孩子写诗,出了稿费会有小圆面包吃的小惊喜。一切随着父亲的回来,门关上完美落幕了。We may just take one last look, over our shoulders, at the white house where neither we nor anyone else is wanted now.
Crying is catching, I believe, like measles and whooping-cough. 情绪会传染
Praise helps people very much sometimes.赞赏是一剂良药
You’ll excuse my shoving my oar in, won’t you? 别介意我多管闲事
I’ve got a pain in my front with being so hungry.饿的难受
因为今天要开始补之前的计划,所以就不过多赘述了。本身The Railway Children也挺长。昨天睡前开始听 War Horse,Dan Steven的声音塑造能力服气。一耳朵停不下来,需要再加几个耳朵。脑海会不断浮现电影中的场景,如果上本的读书体验是让我虐的热泪盈眶,那这一本完全是被情节打动。所以选书一定慎重。
It was about this time I conceived the bold and arduous project of arriving at moral perfection. I wished to live without committing any fault at any time; I would conquer all that either natural inclination, custom, or company might lead me into.
natural inclination在此处类似原生家庭一类形成的性格或自我习惯一类的影响。
As I knew, or thought I knew, what was right and wrong, I did not see why I might not always do the one and avoid the other. But I soon found I had undertaken a task of more difficulty than I had imagined.
When you undertake a task or job, you start doing it and accept responsibility for it. 着手做; 从事; 承担
While my care was employed in guarding against one fault, I was often surprised by another; habit took the advantage of inattention; inclination was sometimes too strong for reason.
还有一种文本While my Attention was taken up in guarding against one Fault, I was often surpris'd by another.
inattention:pay no atrention, ignorance
最后得出结论:that contrary habits(bad habits) must be broken, and good ones acquired and established, before we can have any dependence on a steady, uniform rectitude of conduct.
Rectitude is a quality or attitude that is shown by people who behave honestly and morally according to accepted standards. 正直; 公正; 诚实
In the various enumerations of the moral virtues I had met with in my reading, I found the catalogue more or less numerous, as different writers included more or fewer ideas under the same name. Temperance, for example, was by some confined to eating and drinking, while by others it was extended to mean the moderating every other pleasure, appetite,(胃口),inclination, or passion, bodily or mental, even to our avarice and ambition.
enumeration: When you enumerate a list of things, you name each one in turn. 列举; 枚举
avarice: greed
I propos'd to myself, for the sake of clearness, to use rather more names, with fewer ideas annex'd to each, than a few names with more ideas; and I included under thirteen names of virtues all that at that time occurr'd to me as necessary or desirable, and annexed to each a short precept, which fully express'd the extent I gave to its meaning.
1. Temperance
Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation.
Temperance first, as it tends to procure that coolness and clearness of head, which is so necessary where constant vigilance was to be kept up, and guard maintained against the unremitting attraction of ancient habits, and the force of perpetual temptations.
2. Silence.
Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.
Silence would be more easy; and my desire being to gain knowledge at the same time that I improv'd in virtue, and considering that in conversation it was obtain'd rather by the use of the ears than of the tongue, and therefore wishing to break a habit I was getting into of prattling, punning, and joking, which only made me acceptable to trifling company, I gave Silence the second place.
Let all your things have their places; let each part of your business have its time.
And, if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made — and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.
4. Resolution.
Resolve to perform what you ought; perform without fail what you resolve.
Resolution, once become habitual, would keep me firm in my endeavours to obtain all the subsequent virtues;
5. Frugality.
Make no expense but to do good to others or yourself; i. e., waste nothing.
6. Industry.
Lose no time; be always employ'd in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions.
Frugality and Industry freeing me from my remaining debt, and producing affluence and independence, would make more easy the practice of Sincerity and Justice, ...
只有节俭和勤劳(开源节流)才有财务保障,只有有了经济基础才能讨论其他。才更大可能保证7和8Sincerity and Justice(真诚和公正)的存在性。所以古话说得好,穷生奸计富长良心还是有一定的道理,当然豹豹认为也只是有一定道理。
7. Sincerity.
Use no hurtful deceit; think innocently and justly; and, if you speak, speak accordingly.
做人要真诚,说话要有据。但这里Use no hurtful deceit很有意思,并不是不说谎,善意的谎言还是有其必要性。
8. Justice.
Wrong none by doing injuries, or omitting the benefits that are your duty.
9. Moderation.
Avoid extreams; forbear resenting injuries so much as you think they deserve.
10. Cleanliness.
Tolerate no uncleanliness in body, cloaths, or habitation.
Be not disturbed at trifles, or at accidents common or unavoidable.
13. Humility.
Imitate Jesus and Socrates.