OHDSI - CDM标准医疗临床 - 科研数据模型何为行星级的医学AI系统?


2020-04-15  本文已影响0人  skysunky

The SURVEY_CONDUCT table is used to store an instance of a completed survey or questionnaire. It captures details of the individual questionnaire such as who completed it, when it was completed and to which patient treatment or visit it relates to (if any).


Each SURVEY has a SURVEY_CONCEPT_ID, a concept in the CONCEPT table identifying the questionnaire e.g. EQ5D, VR12, SF12. Each questionnaire should exist in the CONCEPT table. Each SURVEY can be optionally related to a specific patient visit in order to link it both to the visit during which it was completed and any subsequent visit where treatment was assigned based on the patient's responses.


Field Required Type Description 字段 描述
SURVEY_CONDUCT_ID Yes integer Unique identifier for each completed survey. 调查_状态-ID 每个已完成调查的唯一标识符。
PERSON_ID Yes integer A foreign key identifier to the Person in the PERSON table about whom the survey was completed. 居民-ID 外键,指向PERSON表中Person的标识符,指的是调查对象。
SURVEY_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the name and identity of the survey. 调查-概念-ID 外键,反映预置的标准词汇表中调查的概念标识符的名称和ID。
SURVEY_START_DATE No date Date on which the survey was started. 调查-开始-日期 调查开始的日期。
SURVEY_START_DATETIME No datetime Date and time the survey was started. 调查-开始-日期时间 调查开始的日期和时间。
SURVEY_END_DATE No date Date on which the survey was completed. 调查-完成-日期 调查完成的日期。
SURVEY_END_DATETIME Yes datetime Date and time the survey was completed. 调查-完成-日期时间 调查完成的日期和时间。
PROVIDER_ID No integer A foreign key to the provider in the provider table who was associated with the survey completion. 贡献者-ID 外键,指向提供者表中,完成调查调查信息的贡献者。
ASSISTED_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies indicating whether the survey was completed with assistance. 协助-概念-ID 外键,指向标准词汇表中预置的概念标识符,指调查是否在协助下完成。
RESPONDENT_TYPE_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the respondent type. Example: Research Associate, Patient. 受访-类型-概念-ID 外键,指向标准词汇表中预置的概念标识符的外键,反映受访者类型。示例:研究助理,患者。
TIMING_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies that refers to a certain timing. Example: 3 month follow_up, 6 month follow_up. 时段-概念-ID 标准词汇表中预定义概念标识符的外键,指的是某段时间。例如:3个月的随访,6个月的随访。
COLLECTION_METHOD_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the data collection method (e.g. Paper, Telephone, Electronic Questionnaire). 收集-方法-概念-ID 外键,标准词汇表中预置的概念标识符,反映数据收集方法(例如纸张,电话,电子问卷)。
ASSISTED_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(50) Source value representing whether patient required assistance to complete the survey. Example: “Completed without assistance”, ”Completed with assistance”. 协助-源-值 表示患者是否需要协助以完成调查的来源值。示例:“未经协助完成”,“已协助完成”。
RESPONDENT_TYPE_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(100) Source code representing role of person who completed the survey. 受访-类型-源-值 源代码中代表完成调查的人的角色
TIMING_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(100) Text string representing the timing of the survey. Example: Baseline, 6_month follow_up. 时段-源-值 表示调查时间的文本字符串。示例:基线,6个月随访。
COLLECTION_METHOD_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(100) The collection method as it appears in the source data. 收集-方法-源-值 调查收集方法(同源数据)
SURVEY_SOURCE_VALUE No varchar(100) The survey name/title as it appears in the source data. 调查-源-值 调查收集名称、标题(同源数据)
SURVEY_SOURCE_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to a predefined Concept that refers to the code for the survey name/title used in the source. 调查-源-概念-ID 外键,预置的概念,指向数据源中的调查名称/标题。
SURVEY_SOURCE_IDENTIFIER No varchar(100) Unique identifier for each completed survey in source system. 调查-源-ID 数据源中每个已完成调查的唯一标识符。
VALIDATED_SURVEY_CONCEPT_ID Yes integer A foreign key to the predefined Concept identifier in the Standardized Vocabularies reflecting the validation status of the survey. 验证-调查-概念-ID 外键,预置的标准词汇表中概念标识符,指向调查的验证状态。
VALIDATED_SURVEY_SOURCE_VALUE No integer Source value representing the validation status of the survey. 验证-调查-源-值 表示调查验证状态(同源数据)
SURVEY_VERSION_NUMBER No varchar(20) Version number of the questionnaire or survey used. 调查-版本-数值 问卷或调查的版本号。
VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID No integer A foreign key to the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which the survey was completed 就诊-发现-ID 外键,指向VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中完成调查的就诊期间
RESPONSE_VISIT_OCCURRENCE_ID No integer A foreign key to the visit in the VISIT_OCCURRENCE table during which treatment was carried out that relates to this survey. 受访-就诊-发现-ID 外键,指向在VISIT_OCCURRENCE表中,指与本调查相关的就诊记录。


No. Convention Description 共识
1 Patient responses to survey questions are stored in the OBSERVATION table. Each record in the OBSERVATION table represents a single question/response pair and is linked to a specific SURVEY/questionnaire using OBSERVATION.OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID and SURVEY_CONDUCT.SURVEY_CONDUCT_ID. 患者对调查问题的回答存储在OBSERVATION表中。OBSERVATION表中的每条记录代表一个问题/回答,并使用OBSERVATION.OBSERVATION_EVENT_ID和SURVEY_CONDUCT.SURVEY_CONDUCT_ID链接到特定的调查/问卷。
2 Each response record is the response to a specific question identified by the OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID. This concept ID is a unique question contained in the CONCEPT table. 每个受访记录通过OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID对应着相应的问题标识。此概念ID对应CONCEPT表中包含的一个概念(排重)。
3 An individual survey question can have multiple responses to a question (e.g. which of these items relate to you, a, b, c ,…?). Each response is stored as a separate record in the OBSERVATION table.The name (question) is stored as OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID and the value (answer) is stored as OBSERVATION_AS_CONCEPT_ID where the answer is categorical and is defined as a concept in the concept table, OBSERVATION_AS_NUMBER where the answer is numeric, OBSERVATION_AS_STRING where the answer is a free text string or OBSERVATION_AS_DATETIME. 个人调查可以设置多选项(例如,这些项目中哪些与您有关,a,b,c,......?)。每个被选项都作为单独的记录存储在OBSERVATION表中。名称(问题)存储为OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID,值(答案)存储为OBSERVATION_AS_CONCEPT_ID,其中答案是分类的,并在OBSERVATION_AS_NUMBER概念表中定义为概念,答案为数字,或在OBSERVATION_AS_STRING,答案为自由文本字符串,或OBSERVATION_AS_DATETIME。
4 The question / answer observation record is linked to the patient questionnaire used for collecting the data using two new fields in the OBSERVATION table; DOMAIN_ID and DOMAIN_OCCURRENCE_ID.DOMAIN_ID for any survey related observations contains the text ‘Survey’ and DOMAIN_OCCURRENCE_ID contains the SURVEY_OCCURRENCE_ID of the specific survey.This domain construct can be used for other observation groupings. 通过使用OBSERVATION表中的两个新字段,DOMAIN_ID和DOMAIN_OCCURRENCE_ID,将问题/答案观察记录与收集数据的患者问卷相关联。任何与观察相关的调查DOMAIN_ID,都包含“Survey”文本,DOMAIN_OCCURRENCE_ID包含特定调查的SURVEY_OCCURRENCE_ID。该分类结构可用于其他观察分组。
5 The OBSERVATION table can also store survey scoring results. Many validated PRO questionnaires have scoring algorithms (many of which proprietary) that return an overall patient score based on the answers provided.Survey scores are identified by their OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID and are linked back to the scored survey using the same DOMAIN construct described. OBSERVATION表还可以存储调查评分结果。许多经过验证的专业问卷都有评分算法(其中许多是私有的),根据提供的答案返回总体患者评分。调查分数由其OBSERVATION_CONCEPT_ID标识,并通过使用相同分类结构,链接回调查评分。





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