SAP CRM和Twitter以及facebook的社交媒体集成

2020-07-21  本文已影响0人  _扫地僧_

Our team has already integrated Twitter ( also Facebook ) into interaction center in CRM7.0 EHP3.
You can see an example below:
Create a tweet in twitter website:Now I can see the tweet created just now in the web site.

And I can also see it in CRM IC agent inbox:

select the first row and I can directly reply it in CRM by clicking reply button:

just click the send button:
Here below the screenshot is for Facebook:
I create a post in Facebook:

And the post could also be found in CRM system:

if you would like to integrate other social channel than twitter and facebook, you just have to implement your own client class for the new social channel, and all left tasks are centrally done by us from framework side.

you can get more detail information from consulting note 1832462 about social integration achitecture. Implementation detail for facebook client class: note 1832481. And note 1832480 for twitter.

Update on 2013-11-20 for reply to Kavindra:

We have defined a BAdI enhancement spot which you could do your specific analysis on the data extracted from web site.

We have delivered a sample implementation which could calculate the sentiment of the text posted in twitter & facebook like “Positive, Negative, Strong Positive, Neutral”, with the help of SAP HANA Text Analysis Engine. Of course you could use your own TA engine within that BAdI enhancement implementation.



