
2016-08-27  本文已影响0人  一个人的胡说八道

나만  참는 줄 알았다.

나만 불편한 줄 알았다.

나만 눈치보는 줄 알았다.

말해도 소용없을 거라는 생각.

말하면 미움 받을 거라는 두려움.

비웃을 거라는 지레짐작.

그러고 보면,

나는 다른 사람들이 나와 다를 거라고 생각했다.

나보다 무례하고,

난폭 하고,

무신경할 거라고 생각했다.

나는 오만했다.

나와 같다.

나와 같은 사람이다.

나만큼 불안하고

나만쿰 머뭇대고

나만큼 착한 사람......

English version

I've thought I am the only one stand everything. I am the only one who feel not comfortable. There is just me care about what others thinking about me.

It's useless to say anything to them. I'm afraid of if I say to them they will not like you anymore. And also don't want them laughung at me.

And I realized that I've think I was different with other people. They are more rude but I am wrong.

I was too arrogance. They are just like me is are normal person.

They are unstable just like me.

They are shilly-shally just like me.

They are kind just like me.


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