
赏析Obituary: George H.W.Bush 的二三段

2018-12-12  本文已影响202人  綠笛


② In one letter he happened to mention a childhood rebuke from his mother: “Now, George, don’t walk ahead.” He took her words to heart, staying, for most of his political career, loyally behind and modestly to one side. As chairman of the Republican National Committee in 1974, he stuck by Richard Nixon until it became more urgent to save the party; at which point, he publicly asked him to resign. He felt afterwards as though someone had died. In his eight years as Ronald Reagan’s vice-president, though they had sparred bitterly in the 1980 primaries over Reagan’s “voodoo economics” and his callow Hollywood sparkle, he never criticised or upstaged him. During the Irancontra affair of the 1980s, though present at many salient meetings, he declared himself out of the loop, and it was hard to prove otherwise.


"In one letter"继续第一段的信上内容引出第二段内容。这段主要讲乔治一直坚守“不要当出头鸟”。前2句总的说明这句话。后面几句话都是来支持这个结论,除非不得已才会公开表态。就在那次他公开让尼克松下台的之后,他觉得好像有人死了,用短句“He felt afterwards as though someone had died.”来突出。其它地方用“though”“never”来补充他听妈妈的话:“don't walk ahead”。



A slew of competitors, promoting comfort and inclusivity, have taken that message to heart.


You can’t take everything people say to heart.

It was several years after the agency first became aware of problems that it finally took action, and even then its written rebuke was brief and mild.(有关洗钱)


Even one minute’s lateness would earn a stern rebuke. 哪怕迟到一分钟也将受到严厉的斥责。


Alice'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin.(through thick and thin是固定表达,表示“不顾艰难险阻的”)


I stick by my promise.


“The main job for a French prime minister is not to upstage the president,” says one observer wryly.


We don't want the flower girl upstaging the bride.


He took her words to heart, staying, for most of his political career, loyally behind and modestly to one side.




The vision thing
③ People often supposed him out of the loop in other ways, too: a boy born to privilege, called “Poppy” by his parents, a product of Phillips Academy and Phi Beta Kappa at Yale, who was (falsely) rumoured in the 1992 campaign never to have passed a quart of milk through a supermarket scanner. He was a Yankee aristocrat who could have followed his Daddy on to Wall Street but instead became a Texas oil man (the only Texan, growled Speaker Jim Wright, who ate lobster with his chilli), and went on to represent the toniest bit of Houston in Congress. All this, as well as the tennis-playing summers in Kennebunkport, seemed to set him firmly apart from the average Joe, though he let it be known as president that his favourite food was pork rinds, and banned from the White House the broccoli his mother had made him eat.


The vision thing是个分界线,同时也概括了接下来几段的内容。在它之前,基本上跟他具体履历无关的东西,讲信讲他妈妈的话对他的影响;在它之后,文章要开始讲些他凡的一生,比如成长背景、政治生涯及兴趣爱好等等。

在第二段末尾提到老布什说不在伊朗门事件的决策圈里,但这很难证明。第三段开头人们觉得老布什在其它很多方面都很出格。两句话里都用了out of the loop,很巧妙地衔接。他出身显赫,爸妈都是高材生。没有跟随父亲进军华尔街,而成了一名Texas油商。接着成了政客。他夏天在Kennebunkport打网球。人们都很少这些事。不过为了吃,他一改内敛闹了西兰花风波。



Not being up with the news, or being out of the loop with the activities of our acquaintances, seems to diminish our social status.


All right. It's just that I've been out of the loop for a while.


With a dollop of research and a big helping of anecdotes gleaned from friends, Ms Druckerman identifies two elements to French parenting that set it apart from what she calls the “Anglophone” version.


His confidence sets him apart from his classmates.

German officials have let it be known that countries that resist such efforts will meet a sceptical eye when they next try to win subsidies from the EU budget.


He let it be known [=he announced] that he intends to run for mayor.


为什么老布什被父母称作“爸爸”呢,从他自己写的叫All the Best, George Bush: My Life in Letters and Other Writings自传可以了解一二。

  • for males
  • average Joe
  • ordinary Joe
  • Joe Sixpack
  • Joe Lunchbucket
  • Joe Snuffy
  • Joe Schmo
  • for females
  • ordinary Jane
  • average Jane
  • plain Jane


老布什尤其讨厌西兰花,还闹过一次西兰花风波。话说有一天他忍无可忍,和“空军一号”的服务员说,以后再也不想在餐单中见到西兰花了,后来这个消息被泄漏给了记者,《U.S. News》刊出了以下煽情的标题:“经过8年的忍气吞声(布什当了里根8年的副手),布什终于为自己的饮食品味赢回一仗!”结果惹来一场不大不小的风波,被人批评:“总统实在是‘教坏’小朋友,你叫那些为人父母的,以后见到子女吃饭时吃剩西兰花和其他蔬菜,还能怎么办?”



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