坚持英语学习打卡 之 翻译篇(13)
今日翻译打卡第十三天,完成Unit 9汉译英部分。这一篇文章介绍了中国的教育制度,涉及较多的教育方面相关表达,一起来积累吧~
一般译法:After over fifty-year continuous efforts, China has made great progress in its education career.
优质译法:Through uninterrupted efforts in the past five decades, China has made significant progress in its education sector.
技巧点拨:注意积累一些更加高级的表达方式,例如uninterrupted efforts。
优质译法:China has set up an education system with government as the major investor and social partners as co-inverstors.
技巧点拨:“以...投资为主,以...投资为辅”不容易翻译,可以灵活处理成为major investor和 co-investor.
优质译法:Chinese government has always listing basic education as one of its top priorities.
技巧点拨:“把...放在首位”可以译为 give priority to / put something at the top of the list / list something as one’s priority / put something first等。
优质译法:As a whole, education in China, the most populous country with extremely unbalanced economic and cultural development, is still an under-cultivated land.
技巧点拨:抓住句子的中心,关键是说明教育问题,所以可以把前半句用同位语结构翻译。另外under-cultivated land来形容教育事业是比喻的表达,很形象。
5. 我们有信心建立起一个与国情相适应的、面向21世纪的教育体制。
优质译法:However, we have adequate reasons to expect an educational framework compatible with Chinese conditions and oriented to the next millennium.
6. 重点词组表达积累
十分重视 pay great attention to / attach great importance to / place something on one’s higher agenda
颁布一系列法规 promulgate multiple codes
少数民族 ethnic minority group
九年义务教育 The nine-year compulsory education
分阶段 in stages
职业技术教育 occupational and polytechnic education
多层次的 multi-layered / multi-level
多元化的 diversified
多学科的 discipline-inclusive
工商企业 industrial and business enterprises
事业单位 public institutions
教育部 The Ministry of Education
促进,推进 promote / maneuver / facilitate
经济发达地区 economically developed areas
专科 professional training college
本科 undergraduate education
迅速发展 experience rapid development / witness rapid expansion