
2019-07-28  本文已影响0人  Keyliva


Once the body was extracted from the ice, it was taken in for examination.

Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies.

Scientists could learn a lot about how people lived 5000 years ago.

Their advertisements are misleading, so be careful not to be fooled.

We can't influence the result, so we don't need to worry about it.

She has a unique personality that some people don't like.

He doesn't want to give a bad first impression.

He wants to take on new challenges and is looking for a change.

Along with the promotion, he was given a beautiful office.

We are trying to negotiate a better deal, but it isn't easy.

When the two companies merged, many people were laid off.

The Iceman's murder will remain a mystery forever.

Having too many meetings is interfering with our work.

It's difficult to believe what he says because he always exaggerates.

The talks between the two countries are being held in a neutral location.

He doesn't care about his appearance, so he doesn't make a good impression.

Without exception, I'd like to congratulate everyone for their outstanding work !

Communities were claiming territory and fighting to defend it from outsiders.

Further analysis revealed that the Iceman had been shot from behind.

When she asked for an extra payment, we refused because it was illegal and she could have sued us.

She said she was fluent in English, but she was exaggerating, so it's no surprise that she makes so many mistakes.

It used to be that people could relax at home, but now they are still working, even in bed.

Since his community was located along an important trade route, it may have been attacked.


