
好吧,阿弥牧我影迷身份暴露无疑啦。说不谈电影,但还是情不自禁给文章配电影图片。因为这篇文章关于写作修改,所以我想起来最近刚看的电影电影<绿皮书(Green Book)>。电影中也刚好有主角Dr. Don Shirley帮助修改Tony Lip写给妻子的家书的情节。看完电影,顿觉文字魅力的无与伦比,超级推荐。

第一段:I'm giving this movie a 2/10 because undeniably the art and beauty that is the setting of Avatar is outstanding. It's a gorgeous movie but I find it offensive as a movie-goer that we should be expected just to like a movie because the hype and a gorgeous setting.
第二段:This movie severely lacked plot and character development, especially the latter. The main character had some depth but the supporting cast had very little, and I did not feel at all attached to their causes or goals. The movie was far too long to cover as little as it did, there was more to uncover about the characters, their past, and how they interacted with one another but it was shown through quickly progressing scenes, with little dialogue relying on the score and beauty of the setting to speed us through the time of the movie. Months were shown over the matter of minutes, which would be okay if they had some fully formed characters I could believe in, but that was not the case here.
第三段:As mentioned in other reviews, the plot originality is severely lacking, I found myself during nearly the entire movie thinking.."oh this is just like that movie" or "that is just like this movie". That's not to say that similar themes are recycled in many modern movies, but this one wasn't even cobbled together convincingly to be its own story, you can see the loose threads of other movies everywhere, only turned into a Avatar themed world. Clichés abound here.
第四段:This movie is getting way more positive reviews than it deserves probably because of the expert animation/visual effects and the huge hype before hand. It's disappointed to see such a sub-par movie getting such a fabulous reaction from movie-goers, we deserve better. Hype+Stunning Visual Effects does not equal great cinema.
第一段:So I went to see the new movie Avatar, which is a science-fiction movie about conflict between humans and aliens. Generally this movie was not very good and I will give my reasons for this below.
第二段:This movie severely lacked plot and character development, especially the latter. The main character had some depth but the supporting cast had very little, and I did not feel at all attached to their causes or goals. The movie was far too long to cover as little as it did. There was more to uncover about the characters, their past, and how they interacted with one another.
第三段:Months were presented in a matter of minutes. This was shown through quickly progressing scenes, with little dialogue, relying on the score and beauty of the setting to speed us through the time of the movie. Undeniably the art and beauty that is the setting of Avatar is outstanding, but I find it offensive as a movie-goer that we should be expected to like a movie just because its gorgeous setting.
第四段:As mentioned in other reviews, the plot’s originality is severely lacking, I found myself during nearly the entire movie thinking.."oh this is just like that movie" or "that is just like this movie". That's not to say that similar themes being recycled in a movie has to be a problem, but this one wasn't even cobbled together convincingly to be its own story. You can see the loose threads of other movies everywhere, only turned into a Avatar themed world. Clichés abound here.
第五段:This movie is getting way more positive reviews than it deserves probably because of the excellent animation/visual effects and the huge hype before hand. It's disappointing to see such a subpar movie getting such a fabulous reaction from movie-goers, we deserve better. Hype+Stunning Visual Effects does not equal great cinema, so I'm giving this movie a 2/10.

老师看到影评原文第一段的时候,就指出逻辑关系混乱。比如在第一句话中:“I'm giving this movie a 2/10 because undeniably the art and beauty that is the setting of Avatar is outstanding.” 在这句话中,句子开头作者给了电影一个非常低的分数,但because引导的句子所给出的原因却是电影的视觉美工尤为出众。这个逻辑关系站不住脚,所以整个句子被删除,取而代之的是老师改写的introductory paragraph。老师认为无论是发表在任何地方的文章,只要它是文章,开头就要对全文做概括性引入。大家可以参看下修改稿的第一段,就懂我的意思了。
原文第二段中,用下划线标记的句子“The movie was far too long to cover as little as it did, there was more to uncover about the characters, their past, and how they interacted with one another but it was shown through quickly progressing scenes, with little dialogue relying on the score and beauty of the setting to speed us through the time of the movie.”过长。追求复杂长句是很多人写英语作文的一个毛病。无论是大学考四六级,还是留学考雅思托福,都认为结构复杂的长句子是加分点,所以就能写多长就写多长。结果往往是又臭又长,适得其反。在英语中,句点标记一个句子的结束,不是逗点,所以如果连续一逗到底,则会导致句子失去意思重心,读来如一盘散沙。
老师给的建议是一句话的长度最长为两行,包含最多两个逗点。在修改稿中,同样位置的一句话被断写成三句话:“The main character had some depth but the supporting cast had very little, and I did not feel at all attached to their causes or goals. The movie was far too long to cover as little as it did. There was more to uncover about the characters, their past, and how they interacted with one another”。
I can drive a car.
I can drive a car, but I am bad at it.
I can drive a car, and I am very good at it.
原文:That's not to say that similar themes are recycled in many modern movies, but this one wasn't even cobbled together convincingly to be its own story, you can see the loose threads of other movies everywhere, only turned into a Avatar themed world.
修改:That's not to say that similar themes are recycled in many modern movies, but this one wasn't even cobbled together convincingly to be its own story. You can see the loose threads of other movies everywhere, only turned into a Avatar themed world.
另一个更改就是病句。老师将“That's not to say that similar themes are recycled in many modern movies”改成了“That's not to say that similar themes being recycled in a movie has to be a problem”。这处修改就是将原本意思不完整的长句子补充完整了。所以写长句子,一定要有一定的语法功底,否则很容易写出意思不完整的句子。

• 文章的开头结尾要简明扼要,起概括作用。
• 文章的段落要匀称分布,不建议出现字数明显过多的长段落。
• 句点标志一个句子的结束,每个句子都要有它的意思重心。
• 考试写作要慎重使用复杂长句。最长的句子建议不要超过两行字,逗点最多两个。
• 长句子的逻辑关系要清晰,语法结构和内容都要完整。