2019-01-09 EnglishPod3-Hotel Upg
本期主题About a hotel reservation 宾馆预订
关键字:check in入住办理; update an upgrade.(客房/舱位)升级
主持人开场吐槽:哇,这家伙真好运!竟然从普通房免费升级到总统套房。That is nice. The guy is excited and he’s gonna get the presidential suite.
----------------phrases and vocabulary----------
1.under the name of...以……名字(预定)
have a reservation under the name of ...
2.mix-up弄混(淆)=a confusion or a misunderstanding
I’m sorry, sir there‘s been a terrible mix-up.
We‘ve given you the wrong baby(传来婴儿响亮哭声)。
3.overbooked超额预定/超卖: if a hotels or a flight is ~, it means that they are full, they
are more than full.如a bus/a train can be overbooked
4.a complimentary upgrade 免费升级(客房,舱位)
免费升级原因:乘客不是过错方 because it was not your fault.
怎样升级,如宾馆if all of standard rooms are full. Give you a better room or more expensive room, but free. 如乘飞机时从经济舱免费升级到商务舱或头等舱if you are in 'economic class' in an airplane, they will move you to 'business class' or 'first-class' for free.
比如本集最后,男主人公要乐死了:本来订的普通房,没曾想换到总统套房He was really expecting a normal room and he’s now gonna be treated like a king.
Marco:在印度乘火车从普通座升级到头等座bought a normal seat in a train...to a first-class.
继续吐槽头等舱好处 :
Marco:真想乘飞机时次次碰到头等舱升级!I would prefer a first class upgrade on anairplane, yeah, any day.
Amira:一餐有五道菜,饮料畅饮!have a five course meal and get all the drinks you can get