Keywords: 野生动物保护
The wildlife protection refers to people protect the endangered animals and their 栖息地 with any effort, which aims to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy the beautiful nature and learn the importance of the wildlife.
Wildlife protection is a practice in which people attempt to protect endangered animal species, along with their habitats. The goal is to ensure that nature will be around for future generations to enjoy, and to recognize the importance of wildlife.
Many countries set the special wildlife protective group to promote relative policies' working.
Many nations have government agencies dedicated to this practice, and they can help to implement policies designed to protect wildlife.
Besides, there are also some independent nonprofit groups making every effort to promote the wildlife protection.
Besides, there are many independent nonprofit organizations devoting themselves to promote wildlife conservation cause.
The wildlife protection 涉及 many fields, taking economy for instance, which can be inferred not only by government's 规划 of lands but also by natural protective people make their effort to find the most efficient issue of land using.
A number of different fields are involved in wildlife protection, for example, economics, which often becomes involved when organizations work to set land aside for the use of wildlife, with conservationists attempting to arrive at efficient land-use solutions.