
2018-08-18  本文已影响0人  _喵__

Ding! Alibaba office app fuels backlash among some Chinese workers


In the cramped former home of Jack Ma, founder of the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba, about thirty young engineers sit elbow-to-elbow, working to attract the next million users for DingTalk, Alibaba’s workplace communication software.


Since December 2014, DingTalk has grown exponentially to become the world’s largest chat service designed for companies.

自 2014 年 12 月以来,钉钉的用户规模以指数级增长,成为了世界上最大的面向企业而设计的聊天服务。

But its rapid rise—propelled by a promise to boost productivity through better monitoring of employee movements and faster responses to important messages—has sparked a backlash from Chinese workers who say the app fuels an unhealthy work culture.


Like WhatsApp, DingTalk lets senders see if recipients have read messages, but it also has a “ding” feature that can bombard recipients with repeat notifications, text messages and phone-call reminders.

和 WhatsApp 一样,钉钉让消息发送者可以看见接收者是否已经阅读消息,但是它还有一个“叮一下”的功能。这个功能会用重复的手机消息推送、短信以及电话提醒来轰炸接收者。

As DingTalk has grown, many Chinese office workers have vented their frustrations online about the service, saying it is inhumane and destroys trust. On Zhihu.com, a question-and-answer website, a thread entitled “how does it feel like to be forced to use DingTalk at work” has more than a thousand posts and has been viewed over 7.7 million times.

随着钉钉的成长,许多中国白领员工开始在线上发泄他们对于这一服务的不满,称其并不人道,而且会摧毁信任。在问答网站知乎上,一个名为“在公司被迫使用钉钉是怎样的一种体验?”的帖子下,有超过一千个回答,并被浏览了超过 770 万次。

“There’s a saying in my circle, that you should quit the day your company installs DingTalk,” said Robert, who works in luxury retail in the northwestern province of Shaanxi and complains that DingTalk has “fragmented his time into pieces”.


The service's chief executive, Wu Zhao, is aware of the backlash DingTalk is facing, but says the problem is a "toxic work culture at some companies" and misuse by some employers.


“DingTalk’s goal is to encourage transparent and equal communications among all staff,” Wu said. “The tool itself is not the problem; the way it is used is the problem.”


—————  文章来源 / 路透社


