2018-01-14 本文已影响0人
Video:walking,walking.First, we watched the cartoon about walking,walking and then we looked at some pictures to help baby retell the cartoon.
game:Look at me i'm walking,i'm hoping i'm running, then I stopped.Let's invite more people,to join us, let's go hand in hand and make circle.
Make a circle make a circle big and round big and round come on everybody come on everybody now let's stop now let's stop.
Listen to me, let's sing the song walking walking,when we sing stop,we should stop,no moving, otherwise I will tickle u, here we go, no let's stop.no moving ,dad is moving let's tickle him,come on.
4.Reading:big book& small book about this unit.加上海尼曼每周固定更新。
5.妈妈备课:学习主题课程Johnny hummer