Willpower Day4

2017-03-13  本文已影响0人  倦鸟归矣

1.craving      NOUN      a strong desire for sth 強烈的願望;渴望;熱望

craving(for sth)         craving(to do sth)

仿A desperate craving to be succeed.

原  Welcome to the world of craving.

2.derail          VERB           to leave the track; to make a train do this (使)脫軌,出軌

仿The plot is seen by some as an attempt to derail the peace.

原 the tiger and the cheesecake are alike-both can derail your goal to live a long and healthy life.

3.sophisticated           ADJECTIVE    having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important 見多識廣的;老練的;見過世面的

仿A fashion, sophisticated woman

原They are coordinated in a sophisticated way by the brain and nervous system to make sure you act quickly and with every ounce of energy you have.

4.detour      NOUN      a longer route that you take in order to avoid a problem or to visit a place 繞行的路;迂迴路;兜圈子

仿It's well worth making a detour to  the cafe.

原   but it was a necessary detour if we want to understand the biology.

5.trigger     VERB            to make sth happen suddenly 發動;引起;觸發

例句 a hair-trigger temperament.一触即发的火爆脾气。

原The perception of an internal conflict triggers changes in the brain and body that help you slow down and control your impulses.


In such a moment, you face a choice: follow the craving, or find the inner strength to control yourself.

This is the moment you need to say “I won't” when every cell in your body is saying “I want.”



Through today's reading,I know two responses.Fight or flight response and pause-and-plan response. When we encounter the temptation and desire from the heart, we should  think of things from the body and mind.In a word,it is necessary to combine physical and mental analysis with a clear desire in order to succumb to temptation and desire.

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