2019-04-17 本文已影响0人
1. 英英释义:a great difference and lack of understanding between two groups of people, especially in their beliefs, opinions, and way of life
2. 理解:"gulf"是可数名词,本义是“海湾”,经常引申为“鸿沟、差别”。读《经济学人》时不时就可以碰到这个词。在口语和写作中用gulf来替换 gap,可以实现表达的多样性。
3. 应用:
There is a growing gulf between first-tier cities and second-tier cities.
2) 造句:
a. 场景:夫妻之间日渐隔阂
b. 句子:The couple can clear see the widening gulf between them after ten years of marriage.