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Rick Warren牧师


在Saddleback小组是非常重要的,因为我们相信团体的力量如此强烈。团体在今天的教会文化中是流行的,我认为这是一件好事。我们需要理解它。这个古老词汇的现代术语真正的意思是团契。希腊词在圣经中的团契是词koinonia。 和koinonia意味着如我们对耶稣基督委身一样致力于彼此委身。

在Saddleback,我们谈论了很多关于圣经团体的基石,至少有十个。 这里是前五个...


在团契里,我们经常聚在一起。不是每隔一段时间聚一次。 这是很频繁的。 圣经告诉我们在希伯来书10:25“让我们不要放弃一起聚会的习惯。 相反,让我们互相鼓励。(现代本)(和合本来10:25你们不可停止聚会,好像那些停止惯了的人,倒要彼此劝勉。既知道(注:原文作“看见”)那日子临近,就更当如此。)“习惯是你做的频率。你不会偶尔做一个习惯。 你经常做一个习惯。 你一遍又一遍地做。











团契建立在礼貌上。 这意味着在团契中我们对分歧表示尊重。在团契中,我们表示尊重,即使我们彼此有分歧。 你可以不同意而不是不满意。 圣经说,“信徒不应该咒诅任何人或争吵,但他们应该温柔,对大家礼貌。”(多3:2【现代本】劝他们不要毁谤别人,不要争吵;要和气友善,以谦让的态度对待所有的人.)礼貌地对每个人。

真正团契的第五块基石。 如果你想在你的小组中,与你的群体,你的家人或任何其他地方的其他人有深层的亲密关系...




November 7, 2014

The 10 Building Blocks of Biblical Community (Part 1)

By Pastor Rick Warren


What the public generally knows about Saddleback Church is that wehave a large weekend attendance, but what the outside world doesn’t realize isthat the strength of Saddleback is really in our small groups. The pressreports what happens on Sunday, but they can’t see what happens all week long.The fact is, more people are involved in small groups at Saddleback than attendthe weekend services.

Small groups are extremely important at Saddleback because webelieve so strongly in the power of community. Community is a bit of a buzzword in today’s church culture, and I think that’s a good thing. We need tounderstand it. It’s really a modern term for an ancient word – fellowship. TheGreek word for fellowship in the Bible is the word koinonia. And koinonia meansbeing as committed to each other as we are to Jesus Christ.

At Saddleback, we talk a lot about the building blocks of biblicalcommunity, and there are at least ten of them. Here are the first five…

1. Frequency

In fellowship we meet together often. It’s not an every once in awhile. It’s quite frequent. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 10:25 “Let us notgive up the habit of meeting together. Instead, let us encourage one another.”A habit is something you do with frequency. You don’t do a habit occasionally.You do a habit frequently. You do it over and over and over.

2. Authenticity

In Fellowship you share your true feelings. There are three fearsthat cause us to be inauthentic: the fear of exposure, the fear of rejection,and the fear of being hurt again. In the light of God’s truth we don’t try tohide our faults. So as James 5:15 says, “Admit your faults one to another andpray for each other so that you may be healed…” In recovery we have a sayingthat you’re only as sick as your secrets.(It means your sickness can be measured by thesecrets you keep. The more you have, the sicker you are.)Ioften say revealing your feeling is the beginning of healing. That’s whatauthenticity is all about. You say, “This is where I’m at,” and you admit it.

The quickest way to build authenticity in your life and in yourgroup is this – study and apply the word of God. “The word of God is full ofliving power. It is sharper than the sharpest knife, cutting deep into ourinner most thoughts and desires. It exposes us for what we really are.” It’snot pop psychology that makes you authentic. It’s not therapy that makes youauthentic. It’s not ooey-gooey sentimentality that makes you authentic. It’scoming into contact with the word of God. When I look at the word of God andlet it touch my soul and I see where I don’t measure up and where I need to growthen it forces me to be authentic.

3. Mutuality

Fellowshipis built on mutuality. In fellowship that means we help each other grow.Together we’re stronger. You cannot be what God wants you to be without otherpeople. Romans 1:12 says,“I want us to help each other with the faithwe have. Your faith will help me and my faith will help you.”That’slike that great theologian Bill Withers once said, “We all need somebody tolean on.” We need each other to do that.

There arethree parts to mutuality.

1.Mutual accountability.Inother words, you get a prayer partner in your group. You have somebody whoyou’re personally encouraging in their quiet time in your faith and in yourspiritual growth. Someone you get alone with and you commit to checking up oneach other.

2.Mutual encouragement.“(Speak)only what is helpful for building others up, according to their needs, that itmay benefit those who listen.”The Bible says,“Encourageanyone who feels left out. Help all who are weak, and be patient witheveryone.”

3.Mutual honoring.Romans12:10“Take delight in honoring each other.”

4. Courtesy

Fellowshipis built on courtesy. That means in fellowship we show respect for ourdifferences. In fellowship we show respect even when we disagree with eachother. You can disagree without being disagreeable. The Bible says,“Believersshouldn’t curse anyone or be quarrelsome, but they should be gentle and showcourtesy to everyone.”Show courtesy to everyone.

The fifthbuilding block of genuine fellowship. If you want deep intimate relationshipswith other people in your group, in your family or anywhere else…

5. Sympathy

Infellowship we support each other when we’re in need. We support each other whenwe’re in pain. We support each other in our feelings. The Bible says in Colossians3:12“As holy people whom God has chosen and loved, be sympathetic.”Itsays be sympathetic, kind, humble and patient. What does it mean to besympathetic? Sympathy simply means to understand and affirm your feelings, tounderstand and affirm your problems, to understand and affirm your pain. That’swhat it means to be sympathetic.

I’ll sharethe other five building blocks in my next post, but for now, pass this along tothose who lead in your small groups and have a conversation about where you’re doingwell and what you need to work on next.

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