
2019-02-11  本文已影响0人  麦子恩

诗篇 81:10-16 CUNPSS-神

“我是耶和华—你的 神, 曾把你从 埃及 地领上来; 你要大大张口,我就给你充满。 无奈,我的民不听我的声音; 以色列 全不理我。 我便任凭他们心里刚硬, 随自己的计谋而行。 甚愿我的民肯听从我, 以色列 肯行我的道, 我便速速治服他们的仇敌, 反手攻击他们的敌人。 恨耶和华的人必来投降, 但他的百姓必永久长存。 他也必拿上好的麦子给他们吃, 又拿从磐石出的蜂蜜叫他们饱足。”




愿意开口就是祝福!好像小鸟开口吃妈妈给的,它们并没有任何的顾虑,只有一颗愿意的心!今天就开口领受,开口祈求!耶稣说:“你们叩门,我就给你开门”。 不要害怕主不愿意,而是要知道主是大方的!







张口, 祝福, 诗篇

God will fill you with good things when you are willing to open your mouth

Psalms 81:10-12 NLT

For it was I, the LORD your God, who rescued you from the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it with good things. “But no, my people wouldn’t listen. Israel did not want me around. So I let them follow their own stubborn desires, living according to their own ideas.


God is always so ready to bless , to give , to provide. He is so ready to fill us with good things when we are ready to open our mouths! Yet Israel did not want. They rather follow their own ways and stumble into all kinds of problems, provoking God to anger. So many believers are like this. They will not listen, they choose to walk in their self-directed paths and then complain that God is not with them. Many like to stand on the fence, they grab what is good for them rather than surrender their life to God. And many do not finish well. So often, people backslide because they are 1) frustrated with God 2) frustrated with others 3) frustrated with themselves. In all three areas, they have not fully come to realize how Big God is and have made Christianity a religion rather than a relationship. God is ever so ready to turn your mourning into joy, to build Your character and to transform us into agents of love.


Lord, thank You for being so good and so gracious! You will fill our mouths when we are ready to open. You will supply us with so many good blessings when we are ready to listen and follow Your ways! Teach me to stay in Your Presence and know that You are always blessing others through our lives. Let me live my life for Your glory! Bless my bros n sis to learn to open their mouths for God to pour blessings in. In Jesus’ Name, amen.

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